The Implementation of Pow-Tega Technique in Improving Students’ Speaking Achievement

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A. The Background of the Study

    In this era of Globalization made the use of English language more widen. The ability to speak English has been one essential benchmark skills in the professional world. As one of the basic skill of English is speaking. Speaking as productive skill besides writing has been an important skill among four basic skills in English (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing). In language learning process, speaking is very important. According to (Fulcher, 2003:24) that speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with others. (Nurokhma, 2009:183) states that speaking is the most important skill in English language teaching to be mastered in school. Students express their ideas, feelings and desires to others, through speaking. In school, the student learns how to speak English easier because there are teachers and friends who can be their facilitators and pairs to practice English. So, speaking is ability of people to communicate with other people by using verbal language.

    There are some reasons why we should teach speaking especially to our students. First, as motivation. Many students are able to speak English as learning process result. As (Nunan, 1991) stated that foreign language can be measured in the ability to carry out a conversation in the language. Then, if the students do not learn, they may get de-motivated and interest in learning. If learning English are taught in the right way, learning to speak can be a fun activity and more motivation to the students. Second, speaking is basic in human communication.

    In doing so, it is difficult to master speaking. Based on the research by (Wandika, 2014), there are several factors that caused students to be reluctant to speak. The first factor was psychological factor. Psychological factor caused of students’ to be reluctant to speak in English classroom interaction that came from themselves such as they like to be silent in classroom interaction. The second factor is Linguistic factor, the students did not know to pronounce a certain word well and the last factor was socio-cultural factor. Most of students are reluctant to speak English in class because they felt that the classroom environment did not support interaction. 

    Those problems were also found in MAN based on the interview with the English teacher there. Most of the students are still reluctant to speak, because they felt anxious and difficult to express ideas in a conversation. They felt doubt and afraid of making mistakes in pronunciation. This research, It reminds the researcher about responsibility to be a good facilitator to help the students to solve their problem.

    Some problems in speaking can be solved by using appropriate technique based on the students’ condition.. As stated by (Dunlosky, Marsh, Nathan & Willingham, 2013), one of part of situation to help students to get a better regulation in their learning is through the use of effective learning techniques. One of technique that can be applied in the speaking class is Pow-Tega Technique. It is a technique that combines Power Teaching Technique and Games Technique. By using this technique, it creates a good atmosphere for speaking class. Power teaching is a technique which is used to engage students to speak actively and become more creative in the classroom activity. In the other hand, the Game technique makes students feel fun and easier to follow theteacher’s instruction. So that, they can speak freely as their daily life. 

    As stated by (Bunyamin, 2011), Pow-Tega technique is the combination of Power Teaching technique and Games techniques. Power teaching technique is Whole brain teaching method that is used by many countries to teach speaking. "Producing classrooms with regular enjoyment by Whole Brain Teaching" According (Briffle, 2013). While Game Technique is a game designed to teach human about a specific subject and to teach them a skill. Psychological needs recognize educators, governments and parents that the game for learning is very useful, this educational tool has become mainstream Games are teaching us to interactive play aimed at interaction, adaptation, problem solving, all represented as a story. This is a basic needs for learning with passionate involvement, ego satisfaction, giving pleasure, creativity, motivation, structure, adrenaline, social interaction and emotions. "Biological functions are owned by games that have a relationship with learning" (Prensky, 2001).

    In addition to using the Pow-Tega technique, researchers will also use media that are considered to help students to easily take speaking learning. Media which means Pic-Pow (Picture in Power Point) media. With this Pic-Pow media, it is expected that students can more easily capture explanations from the teacher and re-express what is in the picture. Researchers assume that through the Pow-Tega technique and Pic-Pow media, students both consciously and unconsciously are directly involved in real life to express ideas or ideas in English verbally. 

    Based on the reason above, that’s why researcher wanted to conduct a research with the title “The Implementation of Pow-Tega Technique in Improving Students’ Speaking Achievement”.

B. The Identification of the Problem

1. The students’ speaking ability is low.

2. The students' English vocabulary mastery are less for speaking learning.

3. The teacher technique was not contributed much for student speaking achievement.

C. The Scope and Limitation

    The scope of this research is about classroom action research which is focused on teaching speaking and it will be mainly limited on teaching speaking descriptive text.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

    The formulation of this research is formulated as follows:

1. Is there any significant improvement on the students’ speaking achievement through implementing Pow-Tega Technique? Klik to Download



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