The Influence of Emotional Intelligencein Speaking Ability




A. Background

    In teaching and learning includes several aspects that influence this process. It is more than obvious that the student together with the teacher are the most important ones. The way this process can be influence from the position of the teacher. One of the several aspects that influence in speaking skill is emotional intelligent, Marzuki, Mustaffa&Saad (2015: 2) explain that emotional intelligence is an important element to determine student’s skills and competencies in communication and information technology. Generally, the single entity of general intelligence (IQ) is not a guarantee for individual success in life. It is said that individuals possess some abilities in using emotions in order to enhance thought effectively than others. Thus, emotional intelligence literature has grown since then.

    In relationship between emotional intelligence Okpara and Edwin (2015: 53) explains self-awareness consists of emotional abilities that enable us to be more effective and form outstanding relationships in the social interaction. Self-awareness is the ability for one to recognize his or her emotions and their effects.  Self-awareness competencies include emotional self-awareness, accurateself-awareness and self-confidence. Emotional self-awareness is the first component of self-awareness.  This reflects the importance of recognizing  one’s  own  feelings  and  how  they  affect  one’s  performance.  Accurate self-Assessment  involves  knowing  one’s inner resources, abilities and limits. People with this competency  are  aware  of  their  strengths  and  weaknesses,  reflective,  learning  from experience,  open  to  candid  feedback,  new  perspectives,  continuous  learning  and  self-development.  Self-confidence involves a strong sense of one’s worth and capabilities.

       English teaching and learning has the goal of focusing students so that they are able to use English for communication and as a tool for furthering their studies. In the process of teaching and learning, the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are simultaneously performed. Normally, learners in an EFL context do not use the language in authentic situations. They possess inability in communicating appropriately and correctly. In foreign language teaching and learning, ability to speak is the most essential skill since it is the basic for communication and it is the most difficult skill. Speaking English is the most difficult for learners (Oradee 2012:533).

       Aguilera (2012: 163) defines speaking as  a  productive  skill,  like  writing. It involves using speech to express other meanings to other people.  Interaction is two-way communication that involves using language and body language to keep our listener involved in what we are saying and to check that they understand our meaning. Examples of these interactive strategies are: making eye contact, using facial expressions, asking check expressions, clarifying your meaning, confirming understanding. We also speak with fluency and accuracy. Fluency means speaking at a normal speed, without hesitation, repetition or self-correction, and with smooth use of connected speech. Accuracy in speaking is the use of correct forms of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. When we speak, we use different aspects of speaking depending on the type of speaking we are involved in.

         Speaking  is  making  use  of words,  knowing  and  being  able  to  use  language:  expressing  oneself  in  word, making speech, while is the ability to do something well To get a clear idea about what is speaking proficiency, Sanchez et al (2015: 16) defined it as understood communicative competence as a synthesis of an underlying system of knowledge and skill needed for communication. Furthermore, to become a proficient English as a foreign language speaker, studying the knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, etc. is not adequate but the ability to use this knowledge in order to communicate successfully is indispensable.

      However,Nesbit (2010: 5) point out the self-awareness in an integrated self-development model is more than just the outcome state of insight, but involves the development of skills to consciously manage perceptual biases and emotional reactions to feedback. Self-awareness in this sense can be considered a skill, as people vary in their capability to manage their emotional reactions to critical performance feedback. As with other skills, improvement in self-awareness (accuracy and acceptance of insights), can also be developed with training.

    Based on the explanation about speaking and Emotional intelligence the research will to find out theinflunce of emotional  self-awareness,  accurate  self-awareness  and  self  confidence on students’ speaking proficiency and the research will formulate this research under the title “The Influence of Emotional Intelligencein Speaking Ability”.

B. Problem Statement

     Based on the background above, the writer formulates the research as follow: 

    What is the influence of emotional intelligence in term of emotional self-awareness, accurate self-assesment, and self-confidence on students’ speaking proficiency at English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar?

C. Objective of the Research

    The objective of this research as follow:

      To find out the influence of emotional intelligence in emotional self-awareness, accurate self-assesment, and self-confidence on students’ speaking proficiency at English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

D. Significance of the Research

       This research gives positive result, it is expects that the result is able to give some benefits for students, teachers, and other researchers.

  1. For the students, it is expected that this study will help them improve their speaking ability. 
  2. For the teachers, it is expected that the result of this research will give them a reference in their teaching 
  3. For other researcher, it is expected that the result of this research will help them in finding references or resources for further research.

E. Scope of the Research

   This research uses descriptive research as a method. The research will focus on students’ emotional intelligence in self-awareness competencies, those are emotional self-awareness, accurate self-awareness, and self-confidence. In speaking profieciency the researcher will focus on students’  fluency is about hesitation and in accuracy is  about pronounciation




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