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A. Background of the Study
English that has four skills, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. According to Richards and Renandya (2002), “speaking is one the central elements of communication. “Central elements of communication.” It means that speaking is very important element that can be used by someone to communicate with other. When someone speaks, he or she communicates by expressing his or her ideas, feeling and thought. In the class all students are required to practice speaking. According to Richards, “Learners consequently often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how well they feel they have improved in their spoken proficiency” From that statement, the researcher would say that most language learners study English in order to develop proficiency in speaking. The ability of speaking itself shown if the students have studied about English. Speaking is become part of daily activities. By speaking, someone can interact to other people to make good relationship in social life. Besides, many language learners regard speaking as the measure of knowing a language. These learners define fluency as the ability to converse with others, much more than the ability to read, write, or comprehend oral language. They regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire, and they assess their progress in terms of their accomplishments in spoken communication.
There are some factors which influence speaking ability. One of them is personality. It is undeniable that important individual differences exist among second language learners. Weiten (2012) “personality as individual unique constellation behavioral traits”. Behavioral traits is refers to the way of someone in behaving. It means that this personality influences students’ behavior in learning. There are many kinds of personality traits that have been taught to facilitate or inhibit foreign language learning, like: self-esteem, extroversion, introversion, reaction to anxiety, risk-taking, and sensitivity to rejection, empathy, inhibition and tolerance of ambiguity. Brown (2000) systematic study of the role of personality in SLA has already led to a greater understanding of language learning process and to improve language teaching designs. Lawrence (2000) says personality has been recognized as a determining factor on how people learn.
Carl Gustav Jung (2008) says that personality has types according attitude of individuals. There are extrovert and introvert. Extrovert person tends to be active, sociable, easy-going, friendly, talkative, aggressive and a risk-taker, whereas introvert person tends to be passive, quiet, reserved, introspective, and seldom behaves in an aggressive manner. The students with extrovert personality much talk and active in the classroom. They are brave and have high self confidence to speak or perform in front of the class while students with introvert personality like silence. They are passive students in the classroom. They like to be alone because they not too interested making many friends. They also like study serious in quiet place. There are some clear evidences that extroverted students learn foreign languages better because of their willingness to interact with others and because of their reduced inhibitions. Extroverted students are more likely to prefer. Interactive role-plays and group work. Introverted personalities may not have so many friends, and have a preference for working in pairs or smaller groups. They may prefer individual activity, perhaps with one clear purpose. Working in groups may well be less successful, because of a reluctance to participate in speaking activities. Based on the experts’ opinions, it is clear that introvert and extrovert students have different ability in speaking English students must be able to communication with others to increase their speaking ability in the classroom. But, the differences in their personality traits it affects in their way to communicate with others for increasing their speaking. In one class, certainly teachers face the different personality of their students. There is a passive and active student. The active students are named by extrovert personality and the passive students are named by introvert students. Not every student performs similarly one every assigned activity or performances and many teachers have failed to recognize their students as individuals, opting to treat them equally through their instruction and assessments.
Briefly, personality is one of thing that will influence the difference characters of students’ behavior when learning. On the other hand, speaking is one skill that shown if the students have studied about English. So, it is important to know how is the relation students’ personality (extrovert-introvert) with their achievement in speaking. In this research, the aim of researcher is to analyze how is the correlation between extrovert-introvert personality and students’ speaking achievement in classroom to get a scientific data.
So, the title of researcher’s thesis is about: “The Correlation between the Students’ Extrovert-Introvert Personality and Their Achievement in Speaking”
B. The Identification of Problem
Relating to the background above, the problems are identified below:
1. The extrovert and the introvert students may create gap in learning English.
2. The extrovert student is domineering speaker than the introvert student.
3. The introvert student likes speaking in less intensity and quantity than the extrovert student.
C. The Scope and Limitation
The scope of this research is about students’ extrovert-introvert personality in speaking achievement and its limitation about asking and giving information.
D. The Formulation of the Problem
1. How is students’ extrovert personality achievement in speaking?
2. How is students’ introvert personality achievement in speaking?
3. Is there any correlation between students’ extrovert-introvert personality and their achievement in speaking?
E. The Objective of Study
1. To investigate the speaking achievement of students’ extrovert personality.
2. To investigate the speaking achievement of students’ introvert personality.
3. To analyze the correlation between students’ extrovert-introvert personality and their achievement in speaking. Klik to Download