Definition of Jigsaw Technique

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   In explanation from Amador & Mederer (2013: 12) “Jigsaw is a Technique that emphasizes peer learning by dividing the labor of learning among small groups of students. It can be used in two basic ways: as a discussion/peer-learning experience as an end in itself, and/or a work team that produces a tangible group product or project. In both cases, the Jigsaw group arrangement allows students to help each other understand information about corresponding topics by apportioning the work of learning each student in a small group is responsible for acquiring expertise about a different topic, theory, or reading, and sharing their expertise with others in the group” (p. 90). Klik to Download Filenya

     Zisa (2009: 53) stated that Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy used for acquiring and presenting new material, for review, and for preparing students for debates.  It provides an alternate method of introducing new material and creates information interdependence.  It ensures that participants orally rehearse and cognitively elaborate the information being learned.  It models a cooperatively structured lesson. Klik to Download Filenya

     Naomi & Githua (2013: 176) “Jigsaw  is  a  cooperative  learning  strategy  that  enables  each student  assigned  to  a    group or ‘home’  group to specialize  in  one  aspect  of  a  learning  unit. Students meet with members from other groups who are assigned the same aspect of  a topic  and after mastering the material, return to the ‘home ‘ group as experts and teach this material to the group members. Jigsaw can be used whenever material can be segmented into separate components. Each group member becomes an expert on a different concept or procedure and teaches it to the group”. Klik to Download Filenya

     Based on the some defenition of Jigsaw above the reseracher conclude that Jigsaw is  a  cooperative  learning  strategy. It provides an alternate method of introducing new material and creates information interdependence. the Jigsaw group arrangement allows students to help each other understand information about corresponding topics by apportioning the work of learning each student in a small group is responsible for acquiring expertise about a different topic, theory, or reading, and sharing their expertise with others in the group. Klik to Download Filenya




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