Recount Text dan Soal Essay Dengan Kunci Jawaban Untuk lampiran atau Appendix Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

Read the following text carefully and change the bold verbs into the correct ones.


   Last wednesday, I come late to my school because I play playstation untill 2.00 am in the night. Because that I wake up late.

   I woke up about 6.30 am and the class would be begun at 7.00 am. I ran to bathroom to take a bath. I usually have a breakfast after took a bath, but in that day, I did not do that.

   I always go to school by my motorcycle. But in that day, I forget where I put the key. So, I went to the school by public transportation. It makes me take a longer time. I arrive at school at 7.15 am, I run to my class but I see my teacher has stood in front of the class to teach. I entered my class and of course my teacher was angry to me becauseI came late

 It was my bad experience and I promised I would not do that again


  1. When did the writer come late to school?
  2. Why did the writer come late to school?
  3. What time did the writer wake up in that morning?  
  4. Why did the writer go to school by public transportation? 
  5. What did happen when the writer entered the classroom?


My Holiday In Parangtritis Beach

   Last year, I and my family went to Parangtritis Beach. We went to Parangtritis Beach by my car. I was very excited to go there

  Our trip to Parangtritis beach spent time for 2 hours on the way. I slept in the bus during the trip. We arrived at 3 pm at Pangandaran Beach.. After that I and my family went to replace our clothes to swim and we walked to the beach together. There were so many activities that we did in the beach, such as swimming, water playing, chasing each other on the seashore, and banana boat riding. We played on the beach about 1 hour. Right at 5 pm, we all had a rest and prepared to go home. We felt family and togetherness atmosphere at that time. That moment is so unforgettable. 

  That was my short holiday in Parangtritis beach. But, I was very happy because that was my first experience to go to the beach

Sample Text and questions related to text

The Battle for Surabaya

   At the end of World War II many Indonesians believed that independence was imminent. Few realized that it would be another five years of fighting before the country became a fully independent republic. The area around the east Javanese town of Surabaya became the scene of some of the heaviest fighting, and the Battle of Surabaya, which cost the lives of many thousands of Indonesians, became a symbol of resistance to the re-imposition of Dutch colonial rule.  

   The future President Sukarno declared independence on 17 August 1945, and on 19 September, Dutch internees, with Japanese support, occupied the Oranje Hotel in Surabaya, and hoisted the Dutch flag. While this was taking place, young Indonesians were busily replacing Japanese flags in all the offices with Indonesian ones.

   When they heard what the Dutch had done, the Indonesians rushed to the hotel, and hand to hand fighting began with the Dutch, who were determined to defend their flag. Very soon shots were heard, and several people fell - both Dutch and Indonesian - as several Indonesian youths climbed the flagpole and ripped the blue stripe off the Dutch flag. 

   By the beginning of October, fierce fighting had broken out between the Indonesians and the Japanese, who refused to hand over their arms. The Indonesians managed to take possession of numerous buildings throughout Surabaya, and commandeered hundreds of cars and trucks to facilitate their movement throughout the town. 

   Questions related to social function of the text. Instruction: Answer the questions below based on the text above!

  1. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text? (L1)
  2. What is the topic of the second paragraph? (L3)
  3. What does the writer tell about in the third paragraph? (L3) 
  4. Who will likely read the text? (L3) 
  5. What benefit can you get by reading the text? (L3)

   Understanding the structure of the text Instruction 1: Answer the questions below based on the text above!

  1. What is the purpose of the battle of Surabaya? (L1)
  2. What events happened in the area around the east Javanese town of Surabaya to get freedom from the Ducth (L1)
  3. What happened on 19 September 1945? (L1) 
  4. What did the historical background, occupy the Oranje Hotel in Surabaya? (L1) 
  5. Why did the Dutch hoist their flag? (L1) 
  6. What did Indonesian youths climb the flagpole and rip the blue stripe off the Dutch flag? (L1) 
  7. Why did Indoneisans refuse to hand over their arms to the? (L3) 
  8. Why did the Dutch, Japanese, and British troops come to Surabaya? (L1) 
  9. What is the difference between the fourth and fifth paragraphs? (L2) 
  10. What can you conclude about the events? (L3)



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