The Procedure of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence And Satisfaction) Model

The Procedure of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence And Satisfaction) Model

Hodges (2004: 5) a systematic design process is part of the ARCS model. The process is used to develop a motivational strategy for a specific instructional experience. The process has four steps: define, design, develop, and evaluate. When applying this process for motivation when developing an instructional experience, one should first define the problem formally. First determine if the problem is one of motivation. If motivation is an issue, analyze the learners, and prepare motivational objectives. Next, design your motivational strategie. After selecting your motivational strategies, you must develop the instructional materials that will make use of them. Finally, evaluate the learning experience, the proposes that the evaluation be based on motivational as well as learning outcomes. To judge motivational consequences, it is best to use direct measures of persistence, intensity ofeffort, emotion, and attitude.

Schneider (2014: 12) the significance of motivation was early developed by some scientists. The implementation of multimedia elements isn't enough to reach permanently motivational goals. So the ARCS Model for the systematically boosting of motivational aspects. It contains four main categories.

a)    Attention - Getting and Holding Learners's Interests and Attention

b)   Relevance - The learning has to show a kind of usefulness. The learner should reach personal goals.

c)    Confidence - The user has to espect success and should have the possibility to controll his learning process Self-regulation

d)   Satisfaction - There has to be attractive acts, rewards, feedback, and Self-Assement

According to the Bauer (2016: 4) procedure of step of ARCS are Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction

a)    In the ARCS model  “Attention” points to  the need of arousing and holding students’ attention for the  duration of a class by  evoking their curiosity e.g. by means of surprise.              

b)   “Relevance”  is a challenge:  to offer content the students  identify with as relevant for themselves.   This depends highly on the level of trust and familiarity between instructor and students To aware of their motivations and opinions,  thus to be open and stress the openness through rhetoricstyle, is most important.    

c)    “Confidence” means that the instructor fosters positive expectations e.g. to success in the learning task and reinforces students’ confidence to achieve.     

d)   “Satisfaction” the instructor manages extrinsic and intrinsic reinforcement

These  four  categories  provided  a  basis  for  aggregating  the  various  concepts,  theories, strategies,  and  tactics  that  pertain  to  the  motivation  to  learn  (Keller 2016: 5)

a)    The attention category incorporates research on curiosity and arousal, interest, boredom, and other related areas such as sensation seeking.

b)   The  second  category,  relevance,  refers  to  learners’  perceptions  that  the  instructional requirements  are  consistent  with  their  goals,  compatible  with  their  learning  styles,  and connected to their past experiences.

c)    The  third  category,  confidence,  refers  to  the  effects  of  positive  expectancies  for  success, experiences of success, and attributions of successes to one’s own abilities and efforts rather than to luck or to task challenge levels that are too easy or difficult. 

d)   The  fourth  condition  of  motivation  is  required  is  called  satisfaction.  It  includes  the appropriate  mix  of  intrinsically  and  extrinsically  rewarding  outcomes  that  sustain  desirable learning behaviors and discourage undesirable ones.


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