The Purposes of Semantic Webbing Strategy

 The Purposes of Semantic Webbing Strategy

Webbing  makes  it possible for  students to  see the  relationship  between  words  and  concepts  that they have already  read  or  experienced (Nichols D. W and Rupjey. W .H. 2004: 64). it helps   promote  concept  acquisition and vocabulary knowledge,  teachers  can leave the  center word blank.  Students can begin to understand  the  relationship  of words  in the  web by choosing  and discussing  words  that  might complete  the  center  word. It assists in reading comprehension and concept attainment and in the setting of purpose for reading through prediction.  It is also a helpful strategy for idea generation and organization in the writing process.

According to Herron. A. (2000: 1).  Webbing teaches students how to visually map relationships between concepts, allowing them to access higher order thinking and improve cognition. Parents can use webbing techniques as a review tool at home for any subject or class.

Webbing can  be  used  to  introduce  a  lesson  to  determine students'  vocabulary  and concept  knowledge,  to  summarize  a  lesson that reflects  what  students have  learned,  and  as  a follow-up  activity  in  which students  can  expand  and refine  their  own webs  as  they  critically  evaluate the  web  or use the  web  to  assist  in  the  writing  of a report  or  short story. Cells can be linked by a variety of relationships, such as synonyms, antonyms, expanded concept, etc.


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