Concepts of Number Head Together (NHT) Technique

 Concepts of Number Head Together (NHT) Technique

1.         Definition of Number Head Together (NHT) Technique

According to Jacobs. G and Hall. Y (1994: 2). Define Numbered Heads Together encourages successful group functioning because all members need to know their group’s answers and because when students help their groupmates, they help themselves and the whole group.

Base on Lou. M. M (2005: 7) states this versatile can be used effectively for both memory level and higher order thinking activities.  Instead of answering questions, learners can brainstorm ideas, solve a problem, draw a diagram, invent a product, etc.

In addition (Harper, Maheady & Mallette, 1994: 32) Number Head Together is one of the cooperative learning structures designed to engage all students to promote their academic and social interactions.

According  to  Kagan  in  (Dwi Andari A. W. 2012: 7)  Numbered  Heads  Together  is  a cooperative  learning  strategy,  that  holds  each  student  accountable  for  learning  the  material. Students are placed in groups and each person is given a number (from one to the maximum number in each group).

Based on the state above the writer have conclude that Number Head Together (NHT) is a strategy to improve the student ability with make a group, the student will be understand about the material given.

2.      The procedures of structuring NHT are described as below (Kagan, 1989):

a.       Students are put into heterogeneous teams and each has a number.

b.      Students sit together in a circle when the instructor implements the whole class teaching.

c.       The instructor asks the whole class a question, which is usually a high consensus one. Students actually put their heads together to think of the best answers and make sure every group member can answer the question.

d.      The instructor randomly chooses a number, and only students with that number can respond to the question.

e.       The instructor evaluates the answers and rewards specific teams accordingly.

In addition Kagan (2009) the steps for using Numbered Heads Together are:

a)      Students Count Off - In each group, students count off by the number of students in the group. If you have groups of six students, students count off 1-6. They do this in whatever order they choose. If there is a group with only five students in it, one student will have two numbers.

b)      Pose a question/problem - The teacher poses a question or problem to the class and tells groups they have a specific amount of time to come to consensus on an answer. The amount of time allotted will depend on whether the question is one with a specific “right” answer or a more open-ended question.

c)      Students put heads together – The students put their heads together to make sure that everyone in the group has the answer or answers.

d)     Teacher calls a number – The teacher calls a number from 1-6. All the students with that number stand. One of the standing students is called upon to give their group’s answer. Standing students with different answers can be called upon to explain their group’s thinking.


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