The Concepts of Writing

 The Concepts of Writing

1.         Definitions of Writing

Byrne in Ismayanti (1990:1) states that writing is clearly more than the prediction of the sounds. The symbols have been arranged according to certain in convention. As rule, however the students do not write just one sentence or a number of sentence as arranged in particular order and linked together in certain ways. Writing involves the encoding of message of some kinds that translate throughout into language.

Another statement about writing skill comes from Widdowson in Saleha (2008:15) states that writing is a communicative activity and is carried out in accordance with certain general principal in which underline the use of language in communication.

Lindbolm in Fatmawaty (2009:13) gives definition of writing as studying to focus our mind on important matters, and learning about them. By this activity, a person can find the solution of difficult problem, master the fact even by writing, a person can also communicate their mind that cannot be done through other way. We can say that writing is the act of expressing something through the application of language system. So, when we write, there are two problematic areas namely “what to write and how to write it”. It is then understandable that language skills are meant as the ability to manipulate the rules of language conventionally, while extra linguistic system or knowledge of the world refers to what the writer knows about the subject to write.

Graham and Perin (2007:3) explain that writing well is not just an option for young people-it is a necessity.  Writing skill is predictor of academic success and a basic requirement for participation in civic life in the global economy, while Writing is not a simple language skill to perform because of it is large areas that must be involved. In producing a piece of writing, linguistic competence and extra linguistic competence are always involved. The fact is that writing is not only a means of expression, but it is also an essential criterion of competence in any field. This means that to write is to seek expression or to have something to say through the application of linguistic system.

2.         Characteristics of Good Writing

All writers always want the readers to love their writing. If the reader likes to read the writing works, the writers are satisfied for that. Reader is critical; they often give comments to writer’s works. Therefore the writer should produce good Writing in order the readers can get what they want in reading the writing text. Moreover the writing is not an easy as one may imagine. It needs ideas and concept better.

There are some characteristics of good writing according to Adelstein and Prival in Jupri (2007) states follow:

a.         Good writing reflects the writer’s ability to use appropriate voice. Even thought all good writings conveys the sound of some one of taking to someone else, the voice heard thought the writing must also suit the purposes and audience of the occasion.

b.         Good writing reflects the writer’s ability to organize the material into a coherent whole so that it moves logically from a central dominant idea to the supporting points and finally to coincident ending conveying to needs a sense at well thought out plan.

c.         Good writing reflects writers’ ability to write clearly and unambiguously, to use sentence structure language and example so that the on possible meaning is the writers intended one.

d.        Good writing reflects writer’s ability to write convincingly to interest readers in the subject and to demonstrate a through and sound understanding of it.

e.         Good writing reflects the writer’s ability to critic the first draft and revise its revision is the key of effective writing.

f.          Good writing reflects writer’s pride in the willingness to spell and punctuate accurately and check word meaning and grammatical relationship within the sentences before submitting the finished product to the audience.


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