Vibrant sunrise over Borobudur Temple: Descriptive Text with 10 multiple choices test and key answers

Vibrant sunrise over Borobudur Temple

As the first rays of dawn pierce through the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink, orange, and gold, Borobudur Temple emerges from the darkness like a silent sentinel. The ancient stones, adorned with intricate carvings depicting tales of enlightenment, seem to come alive in the ethereal glow of the sunrise. As the light intensifies, it casts long shadows that dance across the temple's terraces, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow.

The surrounding landscape, lush and verdant, provides a stunning backdrop to the majestic temple. The distant sounds of nature waking up mingle with the soft chants of Buddhist prayers, adding to the tranquil ambiance. As the sun climbs higher, its warm embrace envelops Borobudur in a golden aura, illuminating every detail with a celestial glow. Visitors stand in awe, marveling at the harmonious blend of natural beauty and ancient architecture.

As the morning unfolds, the vibrant colors of the sunrise gradually give way to the brilliant blue of the daytime sky. Yet, the memory of Borobudur bathed in the soft light of dawn remains etched in the minds of all who witness it, a timeless testament to the beauty of nature and the ingenuity of human craftsmanship.

Multiple Choice Test:

1. What colors paint the sky during sunrise over Borobudur Temple?

a) Blue and green

b) Pink, orange, and gold

c) Red and purple

d) Yellow and white

2. What emerges from the darkness as the sun rises?

a) Animals

b) People

c) Borobudur Temple

d) Vehicles

3. What adorns the ancient stones of Borobudur Temple?

a) Graffiti

b) Carvings depicting tales of enlightenment

c) Moss

d) Paintings

4. What surrounds Borobudur Temple?

a) Desert

b) Mountains

c) Ocean

d) Lush and verdant landscape

5. What adds to the tranquil ambiance of Borobudur Temple during sunrise?

a) Loud music

b) Construction noise

c) Buddhist prayers and sounds of nature

d) Traffic sounds

6. What envelops Borobudur Temple as the sun climbs higher?

a) Rain

b) Fog

c) Golden aura

d) Darkness

7. What do visitors do as they witness Borobudur Temple during sunrise?

a) Sleep

b) Play games

c) Stand in awe

d) Leave immediately

8. What colors gradually replace the vibrant colors of sunrise?

a) Black and white

b) Pink and purple

c) Blue of the daytime sky

d) Yellow and green

9. What remains etched in the minds of those who witness Borobudur during sunrise?

a) A shopping list

b) The temple's location

c) A timeless memory

d) Nothing

10. What does Borobudur Temple serve as a testament to?

a) The beauty of nature

b) Human ingenuity

c) The power of animals

d) The strength of storms

Key Answers:

  1. b) Pink, orange, and gold
  2. c) Borobudur Temple
  3. b) Carvings depicting tales of enlightenment
  4. d) Lush and verdant landscape
  5. c) Buddhist prayers and sounds of nature
  6. c) Golden aura
  7. c) Stand in awe
  8. c) Blue of the daytime sky
  9. c) A timeless memory
  10. b) Human ingenuity

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