Narrative Text about The Story of Toba Batak with 10 essay test and key answers

The Legend of Toba Batak

In the highlands of North Sumatra, Indonesia, lies Lake Toba, a stunning natural wonder surrounded by lush landscapes and steep cliffs. But beyond its picturesque scenery, Lake Toba holds a legendary tale passed down through generations among the Toba Batak people.

Long ago, in a time when gods and humans walked the earth together, there lived a powerful deity named Batara Guru. He was the ruler of the heavens and the earth, known for his wisdom and kindness. One day, Batara Guru descended from the heavens to earth and came across a beautiful fisherwoman named Toba. Entranced by her beauty and purity of heart, Batara Guru fell deeply in love with her.

Despite being a divine being, Batara Guru decided to marry Toba and live among the mortal world. Their union blessed the land with prosperity, and they were soon blessed with a son named Si Raja Batak, the ancestor of the Batak people. However, their happiness was short-lived as jealousy grew among the other gods, who felt threatened by Batara Guru's decision to live among humans.

In a fit of rage and jealousy, the gods unleashed a terrible disaster upon the earth, causing fire and brimstone to rain down from the skies. The once lush landscapes turned into desolate wastelands, and the mighty Lake Toba was formed from the tears of Batara Guru and Toba as they witnessed the destruction of their beloved land.

Despite the devastation, Batara Guru and Toba remained steadfast in their love and vowed to rebuild their world. With their resilience and determination, they restored the land to its former glory, and peace once again reigned over the earth. To honor their sacrifice and eternal love, the Toba Batak people continue to celebrate their heritage and cherish the legend of Batara Guru and Toba, whose love transcended the boundaries between gods and mortals.

Essay Test:

  1. Where is Lake Toba located?
  2. Describe Batara Guru's character.
  3. What caused the disaster in the legend?
  4. What was the significance of Si Raja Batak?
  5. How did Batara Guru and Toba respond to the disaster?
  6. What is the moral of the legend?
  7. How do the Toba Batak people commemorate their heritage?
  8. Why were the other gods jealous of Batara Guru?
  9. How did Batara Guru and Toba rebuild the world?
  10. What role does Lake Toba play in the legend?

Key Answers:

  1. Lake Toba is located in the highlands of North Sumatra, Indonesia.
  2. Batara Guru is depicted as a powerful deity known for his wisdom and kindness.
  3. The jealousy of other gods caused the disaster in the legend.
  4. Si Raja Batak was the son of Batara Guru and Toba, considered the ancestor of the Batak people.
  5. Batara Guru and Toba responded with resilience and determination to rebuild the world.
  6. The moral of the legend emphasizes the power of love and resilience in overcoming adversity.
  7. The Toba Batak people commemorate their heritage by celebrating the legend of Batara Guru and Toba.
  8. The other gods were jealous of Batara Guru's decision to marry a mortal and live among humans.
  9. Batara Guru and Toba rebuilt the world through their resilience and determination.
  10. Lake Toba was formed from the tears of Batara Guru and Toba during the disaster, symbolizing their eternal love and sacrifice.

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