Narrative Text The Adventures of Toba Warriors with 10 multiple choices test and key answer

The Adventures of Toba Warriors

Once upon a time, in the lush forests of Toba, there lived a group of brave warriors known for their exceptional skills in combat and their unwavering loyalty to their tribe. Led by their wise and valiant chief, they embarked on a series of daring adventures to protect their people and defend their land from any threat that dared to approach.

Their first adventure took them deep into the heart of the forbidden jungle, where they encountered mysterious creatures and treacherous terrain. With their quick thinking and unmatched bravery, the Toba warriors overcame every obstacle in their path, proving themselves worthy of their title as protectors of their tribe.

As they journeyed further, they stumbled upon a hidden cave, rumored to hold untold riches and ancient artifacts. Despite the danger that lurked within, the warriors pressed on, determined to claim the treasures that lay hidden in the darkness. Little did they know, they would face their greatest challenge yet, testing not only their strength and courage but also their bond as a team.

In the end, it was not the treasure they found that mattered most, but the lessons they learned and the memories they forged along the way. For the true treasure of the Toba warriors was not gold or jewels, but the unbreakable spirit of camaraderie and bravery that bound them together as one.

Multiple Choice Test

1. Where do the Toba warriors live?

a) Mountains

b) Forests

c) Deserts

d) Plains

2. Who leads the Toba warriors?

a) A cunning fox

b) A wise chief

c) A powerful wizard

d) A mysterious stranger

3. What is the main quality of the Toba warriors?

a) Cunning

b) Loyalty

c) Stealth

d) Trickery

4. Where did the warriors encounter mysterious creatures?

a) Desert

b) Jungle

c) Mountains

d) Ocean

5. What did the Toba warriors find in the hidden cave?

a) Gold and jewels

b) Ancient artifacts

c) Dangerous creatures

d) All of the above

6. What tested the Toba warriors the most in the hidden cave?

a) Physical strength

b) Mental agility

c) Bond as a team

d) None of the above

7. What was the true treasure of the Toba warriors?

a) Gold and jewels

b) Ancient artifacts

c) Spirit of camaraderie and bravery

d) Knowledge and wisdom

8. Who was the enemy of the Toba warriors?

a) Other tribes

b) Nature

c) Dark magic

d) All of the above

9. What did the Toba warriors prove themselves worthy of?

a) Wealth

b) Power

c) Protection

d) All of the above

10. What was the main lesson learned by the Toba warriors?

a) Greed leads to downfall

b) Courage conquers all

c) Unity is strength

d) Knowledge is power

Key Answer:

  1. b) Forests
  2. b) A wise chief
  3. b) Loyalty
  4. b) Jungle
  5. d) All of the above
  6. c) Bond as a team
  7. c) Spirit of camaraderie and bravery
  8. d) All of the above
  9. c) Protection
  10. c) Unity is strength

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