The Micro and Macro skill of Writing

The Micro and Macro skill of Writing

           Teaching writing includes the mastery of micro and macro skills. Micro skills are those that the students need to comprehend in order that they are able to produce an acceptable writing like acceptable grammar , correct cohesive devices, and also the ability to express a meaning in different grammatical forms. Macro skills in the order hands are furhter skill and strategies that are required in order that the students being able to convey to meaning they want to communicate in their writing. Brown (2004: 342-343) distinguishes micro-and macro-skills of writing as follows :



1.      Produces graphemes and ortographic pattern of English..

2.      Produce writing at an efficient rate of speedsuit the purpose.

3.      Produsce an acceptable core of words and use appropiate word order patterns.

4.      Use grammatical system.

5.      Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

6.      Use cohesive devices in written discourse.


Macro skills

7.      Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse.

8.      Accomplish appropriately the communicative functions of written text according to form and purpose.

9.      Convey links and connections between events and communicate such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification.

10.  Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the written text

11.  Develop and use a battery of writing , using prewriting devices, writing with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrases and synonyms,soliciting peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising and editing.

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