Psychological Analysis on George Harvey Character in “The Lovely Bones” Film



  1. Background of the Research

Considering the fact that not all people like to read books, newspapers, or novels to learn English, there is another way to learn the language. In this era of sophisticated technology, we can use electronic facilities such as: computer, internet, radio, or television to support our learning the language. We cannot deny the fact that most people are more interested in watching film or television than reading a book. It is probably because understanding film is easier and practical rather than read a book.

In this study, the writer focus attention on one kind of entertainment that is film, which its script can be seen as a literary work. It expresses and communicates thought, feeling, and attitude toward life . Film is one of the most important means of entertainment and education.

Arsyad (2003: 49) A film is a motion picture, often  referred to as a movie. Film is  a  sequence  of  pictures  in  frame  in  which  the  sequence  is  presented through  LCD.  As  a  result,  we  can  see  that  the  sequence  of  picture  is alive and move, movie or film is a play that is presented and performed.  Nowadays, motion pictures or movies become the most popular entertainment in the world, due to the modernization and the development of technology. People prefer watching film programs on television or movies on the theaters rather than reading literature.

Rokni & Ataee (2014: 2) Film  scenes  can  offer  visual  portrayal  of  abstract  theories and  concepts  taught  in  management  and  social  sciences  courses.  Explaining  concepts  through different  film  scenes  bring  theories  closer  to  realistic  situations.  Films  can  also  provoke  good discussion,  assessment  of  one's  values  and  self  if  the  scenes  have  strong  emotional  content. Cinema's ability to create a unique experience gives it unbeatable power as a teaching tool.

Psychologists have argued in favor of impact of films on cognitive learning of students in the classroom.  Blasco et al. (2006)  have  stated  that  the  use of  films  in  learning and  teaching  is crucial to provoking the reflective processes and attitudes in the learner. Learners'  ability  to retain  and  recall  information  as  well  as  overall  satisfaction  with  the  learning  experience  was significantly  higher  where  film  was  an  integral  part  of  the  learning  and  teaching  activities

The film entitled the Lovely bones writer by Alice Sebold tells about Susie Salmon of Norristown, Pennsylvania narrates a story that begins in 1973, when she was a typical fourteen year old in a loving family to which no bad things ever happened. That year, special things going on in her life were the beginning of her aspirations to become a wildlife photographer, and her burgeoning romantic feelings, seemingly reciprocated, for senior British transfer student Ray Singh. If she was not preoccupied with these thoughts, Susie believes she would have noticed or felt the creepiness of neighbor George Harvey, a serial killer of females of all ages who ends up murdering her.

In telling the story, Susie does not remember the exact method of her death or where her body is located, which the authorities do not find but who have evidence that Susie is most-likely dead. She died without ever getting her first romantic kiss. Her mother, Abigail Salmon, is not dealing with her death well, keeping her bedroom as a sealed up memorial. Her father, Jack Salmon, cannot let go of ever finding out what happened to her, although he, along with their two other younger children, Lindsey and Buckley, feel like they can occasionally feel Susie's afterlife presence. Indeed, Susie, currently in-between heaven and Earth, is looking over her family, as well as Ray. Another neighborhood girl, Ruth Connors, who most deem weird, is also able to feel those in the hereafter, including Susie.

However, another young female who Susie meets in her current location tells Susie that she must advance forward to the next step. But Susie seems somewhat determined to try and lead those that can feel her presence to the fact of George being her murderer, especially when his next potential victim seems to be Lindsey. If Susie is able to let go, she may learn that she and her fellow travelers have a higher purpose in needing to move forward.

From the explanation above , The writer interested in analyzing the film from the psychological aspect of George Harvey. George Harvey has significant contribution in the story. In terms of psychology of George Harvey that deviates make the main problem in this film. George Harvey is a Pedophilia1 , he killed some girls. After they were raped and then they were killed by him. Pedophilia is not only in the story in novel and film,  but many also in around us. in the fact , this problem have many victims, not only girls but boys to. Based on the psychological and after watching the film, which reveals the condition the writer tries Psychological Analysis on George Harvey Character in “The Lovely Bones” Film.


  1. Focus of the Research

In this study, the writer focus attention on one kind of entertainment that is film, which its script can be seen as a literary work. It expresses and communicates thought, feeling, and attitude toward life. Film is one of the most important means of entertainment and education. A film is a fascinating form of entertainment, because everything on the screen appears to be life-like and natural. The movie characters walk and talk just as people actually do. The rooms, houses,  and street look real. The picture does not stand still at one scene, it moves forward together.

When people watch a movie, they can  learn about history, science, human behavior, and many other subjects of a short period of time. Some movies can be used in the learning process to make learning more enjoyable.

Considering to Psychology shows us two kinds of memory system; short-term memory system and long-term memory system. The short-term memory system is memory, which helps us retain information for a short period of time, second and even minutes, before losing it. The second kind is a long-term memory system. It is such information that is kept it our memory for a long time and it leaves impressions which remain in our memory. Based on the psychoanalysis and after watching the film, which reveals the condition the writer tries to Psychological Analysis on George Harvey Character in “The Lovely Bones” Film.

  1. Formulation of Research

Based on background and focus of research above the writer formulates the researcher question as follow :

  1. What are the personal characteristics of the character of George Harvey in The Lovely Bones?
  2. What are the conflicts that happen to the character George Harvey based on the psychological view?
  1. Objective of the Research

The purposes of the study are as follows:

  1. to get a clear description of the character and characterization of George Harvey in The Lovely Bones.
  2. to get a clear illustration of George Harvey’s conflicts from psychological point of view.


  1. Significance of the Research

The result of the study is expected to be able to give the following benefits:

  1. The study is expected to serve as a reference for the students, especially English Department students. After  learning and reading this final project, they will know about conflicts and problems.
  2. The result of the study would be useful to serve as an alternative media, for example, by using a film or movie as a material in teaching reading or speaking.


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