My First Day at School: Anecdote text with 10 essay test and key answer

         Anecdote text adalah sebuah teks yang mengisahkan pengalaman pribadi atau kejadian nyata secara singkat dan menarik. Biasanya, cerita ini disampaikan dalam konteks yang santai dan tidak terlalu formal. Anecdote text seringkali mengandung pesan moral atau pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari pengalaman yang diuraikan.

          Berikut Anecdote text about My First Day at School in with 10 essay test and key answer

My First Day at School

On my first day at school, I was a bundle of nerves and excitement all rolled into one. My parents walked me to the school gate, and as I looked up at the imposing building, I felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Stepping through those gates, I entered a whole new world filled with unfamiliar faces and endless possibilities.

As I settled into my classroom, I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the new environment. The teacher introduced herself, and we dove straight into our first lesson. Despite my initial nervousness, I soon found myself caught up in the excitement of learning. From that moment on, I knew that school was going to be an adventure unlike any other.

As the day progressed, I made new friends, navigated the hallways, and even tackled my first essay test. Despite the butterflies in my stomach, I tackled each question with determination, drawing upon the knowledge I had gained in class. By the end of the day, I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that I had successfully completed my first day at school.

Essay Test:

  1. What emotions did the narrator experience on their first day at school?
  2. How did the narrator feel about the school building?
  3. Describe the narrator's first lesson.
  4. What was the narrator's initial reaction to the new environment?
  5. How did the narrator feel about making new friends?
  6. What was the narrator's experience navigating the hallways?
  7. How did the narrator approach their first essay test?
  8. What was the narrator's mindset while answering the essay questions?
  9. How did the narrator feel at the end of the day?
  10. Reflect on the significance of the narrator's first day at school.

Key Answers:

  1. The narrator experienced a mix of nerves and excitement on their first day at school.
  2. The narrator felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension when looking at the imposing school building.
  3. The narrator's first lesson was introduced by the teacher, which marked the beginning of their learning journey.
  4. The narrator felt overwhelmed by the new environment initially.
  5. The narrator felt excited about making new friends.
  6. The narrator navigated the hallways with a sense of adventure.
  7. The narrator approached their first essay test with determination.
  8. The narrator's mindset while answering the essay questions was focused and reliant on the knowledge gained in class.
  9. The narrator felt a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.
  10. The narrator's first day at school marked the beginning of an exciting learning adventure and the formation of new friendships.

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