Narrative text and story about Sura and Baya with 10 tenses and structure (Grammar) test and key answer

       Sure, here's a narrative text about Sura and Baya in three paragraphs, incorporating a variety of tenses and sentence structures. After the narrative, I'll provide a test with questions related to the text and the key answers.


         Long ago, in a lush and verdant land, there lived two powerful animals named Sura and Baya. Sura, a mighty shark, ruled the oceans with his formidable strength and swiftness. Baya, a fierce crocodile, dominated the rivers and lands with his cunning and sharp teeth. They had an agreement to divide their territories and not to cross into each other's domains. However, one hot summer, food became scarce, and the boundaries of their territories were soon tested.

         One day, Sura ventured into Baya's territory in search of prey. The water was low, and Sura was desperate. He had not eaten for days and thought he could sneak a quick meal without Baya noticing. Unfortunately, Baya spotted Sura immediately and confronted him angrily. "Why have you come here, Sura?" Baya roared. Sura tried to explain his situation, but Baya would not listen. A fierce battle ensued, with both creatures fighting ferociously. They bit and clawed at each other, causing massive waves and shaking the ground.

        After hours of fighting, both were exhausted and badly injured. Realizing they were evenly matched, Sura and Baya decided to negotiate. They agreed to create a new boundary, one that neither would cross, ensuring peace once again. This agreement became the foundation of the city known today as Surabaya, a name derived from their own. The story of Sura and Baya is still told to remind people of the importance of respecting boundaries and the power of reconciliation.


  1. What is the setting of the story?
  2. Identify a sentence using the simple past tense.
  3. Find an example of a sentence in the present perfect tense.
  4. What is the main conflict in the story?
  5. How is the conflict resolved?
  6. Identify a sentence using the future tense.
  7. Which tense is used in the sentence: "They had an agreement to divide their territories"?
  8. Find a sentence in the past continuous tense.
  9. What lesson does the story aim to teach?
  10. Who are the main characters in the story?

Key Answers:

  1. The setting of the story is a lush and verdant land, including the ocean and river territories.
  2. "Sura ventured into Baya's territory in search of prey."
  3. "He had not eaten for days and thought he could sneak a quick meal without Baya noticing."
  4. The main conflict in the story is the fight between Sura and Baya over territory and food scarcity.
  5. The conflict is resolved when Sura and Baya agree to create a new boundary, ensuring peace.
  6. "They agreed to create a new boundary, one that neither would cross, ensuring peace once again."
  7. The past perfect tense is used in the sentence: "They had an agreement to divide their territories."
  8. "The boundaries of their territories were soon tested."
  9. The lesson the story aims to teach is the importance of respecting boundaries and the power of reconciliation.
  10. The main characters in the story are Sura, the shark, and Baya, the crocodile.

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