Announcement text Bahasa Inggris tentang Gathering with 10 multiple choices test and key answer

          Announcement text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi penting kepada khalayak umum. Biasanya, teks pengumuman mencakup berbagai topik, mulai dari acara sekolah, perubahan dalam sebuah organisasi, atau informasi terkait dengan pelayanan publik. Para penulis pengumuman harus menggunakan bahasa yang jelas, langsung, dan mudah dipahami agar pesan mereka dapat disampaikan dengan efektif kepada pembaca

          Berikut Announcement text Bahasa Inggris tentang Gathering with 10 multiple choices test and key answer

📢 Important Announcement Gathering

Join us for an exciting event on Saturday, June 15th, 2024 at 10:00 AM. We're hosting a special gathering to celebrate our community's achievements and milestones. Whether you're a long-time member or new to our community, this event promises to be a memorable experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and share in the spirit of camaraderie.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact us at []. We look forward to seeing you there!

Multiple Choice Test:

1. What is the date of the event?

a) June 15th, 2023

b) June 15th, 2024

c) June 15th, 2025

d) June 15th, 2026

2. At what time does the event start?

a) 9:00 AM

b) 10:00 AM

c) 11:00 AM

d) 12:00 PM

3. How should attendees RSVP?

a) Call 123-456-7890

b) Email []

c) Fill out an online form

d) Send a carrier pigeon

4. What is the purpose of the event?

a) Fundraising

b) Community celebration

c) Business networking

d) Political rally

5. Who is invited to attend?

a) Only new members

b) Only long-time members

c) Both new and long-time members

d) Members from other communities

6. What should attendees expect at the event?

a) A boring lecture

b) A lively celebration

c) A silent meditation session

d) A cooking demonstration

7. Where will the event take place?

a) In a secret location

b) At a local park

c) At a community center

d) Online via video conference

8. Can attendees bring guests?

a) No, it's a closed event

b) Yes, but only if they RSVP

c) Yes, anyone can attend

d) Yes, but only if they pay a fee

9. What should attendees bring?

a) Nothing, it's all provided

b) A potluck dish to share

c) A gift for the organizers

d) Their own chairs and blankets

10. How can attendees learn more about the event?

a) Check the website

b) Follow us on social media

c) Ask a friend who's attending

d) All of the above

  1. Answer Key:
  2. b) June 15th, 2024
  3. b) 10:00 AM
  4. b) Email []
  5. b) Community celebration
  6. c) Both new and long-time members
  7. b) A lively celebration
  8. c) At a community center
  9. b) Yes, but only if they RSVP
  10. d) Their own chairs and blankets
  11. d) All of the above

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