Advertisement text Bahasa Inggris tentang energy booster with 10 Multiple choices test and then key answer

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          Berikut Advertisement text Bahasa Inggris tentang energy booster with 10 Multiple choices test and then key answer

Advertisement Text: EnergizeMax

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and drained of energy? Look no further! Introducing EnergizeMax, the ultimate energy booster designed to revitalize your body and mind. Packed with natural ingredients and scientifically proven to provide sustained energy throughout the day, EnergizeMax will help you conquer any challenge that comes your way. Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to unstoppable vitality with EnergizeMax!

But that's not all! With EnergizeMax, you can bid farewell to those midday crashes and sluggish afternoons. Our advanced formula ensures that you stay alert and focused from morning to night, giving you the edge you need to excel in work, play, and everything in between. Whether you're a busy professional, a dedicated athlete, or a parent on the go, EnergizeMax is your secret weapon for staying at the top of your game.

Don't let low energy levels hold you back any longer. Join the thousands of satisfied customers who have experienced the transformative power of EnergizeMax. Try it today and feel the difference for yourself. Energize your life with EnergizeMax!

Multiple Choice Test:

1. What is EnergizeMax?

a) A food delivery service

b) An energy booster

c) A fitness app

d) A clothing brand

2. What is one of the benefits of EnergizeMax?

a) Causes drowsiness

b) Provides sustained energy

c) Increases appetite

d) Slows down metabolism

3. Who can benefit from using EnergizeMax?

a) Only athletes

b) Only students

c) Only parents

d) Anyone looking for increased energy

4. What does EnergizeMax help you conquer?

a) Sleep

b) Fatigue

c) Hunger

d) Sadness

5. What does EnergizeMax promise to eliminate?

a) Midday crashes

b) Morning productivity

c) Nighttime energy

d) Weekend relaxation

6. What does the advertisement claim about EnergizeMax's formula?

a) It's untested

b) It's not scientifically proven

c) It ensures sustained energy

d) It causes side effects

7. According to the advertisement, who can benefit from EnergizeMax?

a) Only busy professionals

b) Only dedicated athletes

c) Only parents

d) Everyone from professionals to parents

8. How does EnergizeMax help you stay focused?

a) By causing distractions

b) By increasing anxiety

c) By keeping you alert and focused

d) By inducing drowsiness

9. What is one of the taglines used in the advertisement?

a) "Suffer through your day with EnergizeMax"

b) "Conquer life's challenges with EnergizeMax"

c) "Stay sluggish with EnergizeMax"

d) "Feel the midday crash with EnergizeMax"

10. How does the advertisement encourage potential customers to try EnergizeMax?

a) By offering a money-back guarantee

b) By warning about potential side effects

c) By mentioning competitors

d) By discouraging the use of the product

Key Answers:

  1. b) An energy booster
  2. b) Provides sustained energy
  3. d) Anyone looking for increased energy
  4. b) Fatigue
  5. a) Midday crashes
  6. c) It ensures sustained energy
  7. d) Everyone from professionals to parents
  8. c) By keeping you alert and focused
  9. b) "Conquer life's challenges with EnergizeMax"
  10. a) By offering a money-back guarantee

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