Announcement text Bahasa Inggris tentang Join Us for a Special Event! with 10 multiple choices test and key answer

          Announcement text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk mengumumkan informasi penting kepada khalayak. Biasanya, teks pengumuman ini digunakan untuk memberitahu tentang acara, perubahan, atau hal-hal lain yang relevan untuk audiens tertentu. Paragraph pertama dalam announcement text biasanya berisi pernyataan singkat yang menjelaskan tujuan pengumuman dan apa yang akan diumumkan. Misalnya, pembukaan ini dapat mencakup tanggal, waktu, dan lokasi acara yang akan diumumkan.

       Berikut Announcement text Bahasa Inggris tentang Join Us for a Special Event! with 10 multiple choices  test and key answer

📢 Announcement: Join Us for a Special Event!

Mark your calendars for an exciting event on Saturday, June 15th, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM! We are thrilled to invite you to participate in our exclusive gathering where we will explore innovative ideas and celebrate community achievements. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just curious about the latest trends, this event promises to be both enlightening and entertaining.

For further details and to reserve your spot, please contact us at or call (123) 456-7890. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and discover new possibilities!

Multiple Choice Test:

1. What is the date of the event?

a) June 10th, 2024

b) June 12th, 2024

c) June 15th, 2024 (Correct)

d) June 20th, 2024

2. What time does the event start?

a) 10:00 AM

b) 12:00 PM

c) 2:00 PM (Correct)

d) 4:00 PM

3. When does the event end?

a) 1:00 PM

b) 3:00 PM

c) 4:00 PM (Correct)

d) 5:00 PM

4. How long will the event last?

a) 1 hour

b) 2 hours (Correct)

c) 3 hours

d) 4 hours

5. Where can you find further details about the event?

a) Facebook

b) Twitter

c) Email (Correct)

d) Instagram

6. How can you reserve your spot?

a) Call (123) 456-7890 (Correct)

b) Text a friend

c) Write a letter

d) Yell loudly

7. What is the email contact for inquiries?

a) (Correct)




8. Who is invited to attend?

a) Only experienced professionals

b) Anyone with a green hat

c) Both enthusiasts and curious individuals (Correct)

d) Only those born in June

9. What is promised at the event?

a) Boredom

b) Excitement (Correct)

c) Silence

d) Rain

10. Why shouldn't you miss this event?

a) Because you'll be asleep

b) Because you won't have fun

c) Because it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (Correct)

d) Because you'll have better things to do

Answer Key:

  1. c) June 15th, 2024
  2. c) 2:00 PM
  3. c) 4:00 PM
  4. b) 2 hours
  5. c) Email
  6. a) Call (123) 456-7890
  7. a)
  8. c) Both enthusiasts and curious individuals
  9. b) Excitement
  10. c) Because it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

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