The Clever Kancil's Great Escape: Narrative text with 10 essay test and key answer

          Narrative text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan suatu cerita atau kisah secara berurutan. Biasanya, teks naratif mengikuti struktur yang jelas, termasuk orientasi (pengenalan tokoh dan latar), komplikasi (konflik atau permasalahan), serangkaian kejadian yang terjadi, serta resolusi (penyelesaian masalah atau akhir cerita). Cerita dalam teks naratif bisa berupa fiksi atau nonfiksi, dan tujuannya bisa bermacam-macam, seperti menghibur, mendidik, atau menginspirasi pembaca. Penggunaan bahasa deskriptif yang kuat dalam teks naratif membantu pembaca membayangkan dan merasakan pengalaman yang diceritakan dengan lebih intens. Sekarang, mari kita lihat contoh teks naratif untuk lebih memahami konsep ini.

          Narrative text about The Clever Kancil's Great Escape with 10 essay test and key answer

The Clever Kancil's Great Escape

         Once upon a time, deep in the lush jungles of Celebes, lived a clever and cunning creature known as Kancil, the mouse deer. Kancil was admired by all the animals for his intelligence and quick thinking. One day, Kancil found himself in a perilous situation when he was captured by a group of hunters who planned to sell him to a zoo. Trapped in a cage, Kancil knew he had to devise a plan to escape and return to his home in the jungle.

          Despite the odds stacked against him, Kancil remained calm and collected. He observed the hunters closely, noting their routines and weaknesses. Then, under the cover of darkness, Kancil put his plan into action. Using his nimble fingers, he picked the lock of his cage and silently slipped out into the night. Swiftly, he darted through the forest, using his knowledge of the terrain to evade capture. Along the way, he enlisted the help of his friends, the birds and monkeys, who provided distraction and diversion to confuse the hunters.

         Finally, after a daring chase through the dense jungle, Kancil reached the safety of his home. Exhausted but victorious, he knew that his quick thinking and cleverness had saved him once again. From that day on, Kancil's great escape became legendary among the animals of the jungle, and he was hailed as a hero for outsmarting his captors and returning to freedom.

Essay Test:

  1. Describe the setting of the story.
  2. Who is the main character and what is he known for?
  3. What perilous situation does Kancil find himself in?
  4. How does Kancil plan to escape from the hunters?
  5. What role do Kancil's friends play in his escape?
  6. How does Kancil outsmart the hunters?
  7. What is the significance of Kancil's escape in the story?
  8. How does the story end?
  9. What lesson can be learned from Kancil's escape?
  10. Why do you think Kancil is admired by all the animals?

Key Answer:

  1. The setting is in the lush jungles of Malaysia.
  2. Kancil is the main character, known for his intelligence and quick thinking.
  3. Kancil is captured by hunters who plan to sell him to a zoo.
  4. Kancil plans to escape by picking the lock of his cage.
  5. Kancil's friends, the birds and monkeys, provide distraction and diversion to confuse the hunters.
  6. Kancil outsmarts the hunters by using his knowledge of the terrain and the help of his friends.
  7. Kancil's escape demonstrates his resourcefulness and bravery, making him a hero among the animals.
  8. The story ends with Kancil returning safely to his home in the jungle.
  9. The lesson learned is the importance of quick thinking and cooperation in overcoming challenges.
  10. Kancil is admired by all the animals for his intelligence, bravery, and ability to outsmart his enemies.

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