Recount text about Celebrating Indonesian Independence Day with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer

         Recount text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa atau pengalaman masa lalu dengan tujuan untuk menghibur atau menginformasikan pembaca. Struktur umum dari recount text meliputi orientasi, rangkaian peristiwa, dan reorientasi. Pada bagian orientasi, penulis memberikan pengenalan tentang latar belakang peristiwa seperti waktu, tempat, dan orang-orang yang terlibat. Bagian rangkaian peristiwa menceritakan urutan kejadian secara kronologis, biasanya menggunakan kalimat yang menggambarkan tindakan atau kejadian yang terjadi. Bagian reorientasi atau penutup sering kali berisi refleksi atau kesimpulan dari peristiwa yang diceritakan.

         Recount text biasanya ditulis dalam bentuk past tense karena menceritakan kejadian yang sudah berlalu. Contoh teks recount yang sering dijumpai adalah cerita tentang liburan, pengalaman pribadi, atau kejadian penting dalam kehidupan seseorang. Teks ini membantu pembaca memahami bagaimana suatu peristiwa terjadi dan apa yang dialami oleh penulis atau tokoh dalam cerita. Dengan menyajikan peristiwa secara menarik dan terstruktur, recount text bisa memberikan wawasan dan hiburan bagi pembacanya

         Berikut Recount text about Celebrating Indonesian Independence Day with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer

Recount Text: Celebrating Indonesian Independence Day

         On August 17th, Indonesians across the archipelago come together to celebrate their nation's independence from Dutch colonial rule. The day begins with a solemn flag-raising ceremony, held in every city and village, where the national anthem, "Indonesia Raya," is sung with pride. In Jakarta, the capital, the President leads a grand ceremony at the Presidential Palace, attended by dignitaries and broadcast nationwide. Schools and government offices decorate their buildings with red and white, the colors of the Indonesian flag, to commemorate this historic event.

        The celebrations continue throughout the day with various cultural and sports events. Traditional games like "panjat pinang," a climbing competition on greased poles, and sack races are organized, bringing laughter and joy to participants and spectators alike. Art performances, such as traditional dances and music, are showcased to honor Indonesia's rich cultural heritage. Community gatherings and local markets also spring up, where people enjoy traditional foods and buy handmade crafts, fostering a sense of unity and pride among the citizens.

        As night falls, the sky is illuminated with fireworks displays, marking the climax of the day's festivities. Families and friends gather to watch the colorful explosions light up the night, symbolizing the spirit of freedom and independence. The day serves as a powerful reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made by the country's heroes to achieve independence and inspires a renewed sense of patriotism and commitment to the nation's future.

Multiple Choice Test

1. When is Indonesian Independence Day celebrated?

a. July 4th

b. August 17th

c. December 25th

d. June 17th

2. What is the national anthem of Indonesia?

a. "God Bless Indonesia"

b. "Indonesia Merdeka"

c. "Indonesia Raya"

d. "Garuda Pancasila"

3. Where does the grand flag-raising ceremony in Jakarta take place?

a. National Monument

b. Presidential Palace

c. Merdeka Square

d. Istiqlal Mosque

4. Which traditional game involves climbing a greased pole?

a. Sack race

b. Panjat pinang

c. Tug of war

d. Kites competition

5. What do schools and government offices use to decorate their buildings on Independence Day?

a. Balloons and streamers

b. Red and white colors

c. Indonesian batik

d. Christmas lights

6. What type of events are commonly held to celebrate Independence Day?

a. Only sports events

b. Cultural and sports events

c. Only music concerts

d. Only art exhibitions

7. What do the fireworks at night symbolize?

a. The end of the year

b. The victory of sports competitions

c. The spirit of freedom and independence

d. A new government policy

8. How do community gatherings contribute to the celebration?

a. By organizing political rallies

b. By showcasing international films

c. By fostering unity and pride

d. By focusing on individual achievements

9. What inspires a renewed sense of patriotism among Indonesians during Independence Day?

a. Watching foreign films

b. Remembering the struggles and sacrifices of the heroes

c. Shopping for new clothes

d. Traveling abroad

10. What is a common activity in local markets during the celebrations?

a. Buying electronics

b. Watching movies

c. Enjoying traditional foods and buying handmade crafts

d. Attending academic lectures

Answer Key

  1. b. August 17th
  2. c. "Indonesia Raya"
  3. b. Presidential Palace
  4. b. Panjat pinang
  5. b. Red and white colors
  6. b. Cultural and sports events
  7. c. The spirit of freedom and independence
  8. c. By fostering unity and pride
  9. b. Remembering the struggles and sacrifices of the heroes
  10. c. Enjoying traditional foods and buying handmade crafts

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