Narrative text about The Clever Kancil's Great Escape with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer

          Narrative text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan suatu cerita atau kejadian yang terjadi dalam sebuah rangkaian waktu. Teks ini bertujuan untuk menghibur atau memberikan pesan kepada pembaca melalui plot yang terstruktur dengan baik, karakter yang berkembang, serta konflik dan resolusi. Struktur umum narrative text meliputi orientasi (pengenalan karakter, setting, dan situasi), komplikasi (konflik atau masalah yang dihadapi karakter), dan resolusi (penyelesaian konflik). Elemen-elemen ini bekerja bersama untuk membawa pembaca melalui perjalanan cerita yang menarik dan memuaskan.

          Dalam narrative text, penulis sering menggunakan bahasa yang deskriptif untuk menggambarkan setting dan emosi karakter, sehingga pembaca dapat membayangkan cerita dengan jelas. Dialog antar karakter juga sering digunakan untuk memperkuat alur cerita dan mengembangkan karakterisasi. Melalui narrative text, penulis tidak hanya menyampaikan cerita, tetapi juga dapat menyampaikan moral atau pesan tertentu kepada pembaca. Misalnya, cerita rakyat, dongeng, legenda, dan novel adalah beberapa contoh karya yang menggunakan narrative text untuk menyampaikan kisah dan pesan mereka

          Berikut Narrative text about The Clever Kancil's Great Escape with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer

The Clever Kancil's Great Escape

        In the heart of the dense jungle, there lived a clever kancil, or mouse deer, named Kiko. Kiko was known throughout the forest for his wit and resourcefulness. One sunny morning, while foraging for food near the riverbank, Kiko noticed a trap laid out by the cunning hunter, Pak Pandir. The trap was cleverly disguised with fresh leaves and fruits, but Kiko’s sharp eyes and quick thinking spotted the danger. Determined to avoid becoming the hunter's prize, Kiko concocted a plan to outsmart Pak Pandir.

         Kiko decided to use the very trap set for him to trick the hunter. He gathered some large leaves and carefully arranged them around the trap, making it look untouched. Then, Kiko strategically placed some fruit just beyond the trap’s reach, creating an enticing but seemingly safe path. Confident that his plan would work, Kiko hid behind a nearby bush to watch. As expected, Pak Pandir soon approached, eyeing the bait. Seeing that the trap appeared undisturbed, he walked right into Kiko’s trap. The hunter was soon caught in his own snare, dangling helplessly from a tree.

         With Pak Pandir caught, Kiko stepped out from his hiding spot and approached the hunter with a grin. “Looks like you’re the one trapped now,” Kiko said cheerfully. The hunter, realizing he had been outsmarted by the little kancil, could only laugh at his predicament. Kiko’s cleverness not only saved him from danger but also taught Pak Pandir a valuable lesson about underestimating the small and seemingly weak. From that day on, the animals of the jungle had a newfound respect for Kiko, the clever kancil who outwitted a hunter.

Multiple Choice Test

1. What was Kiko doing when he discovered the trap?

a) Sleeping

b) Foraging for food

c) Playing with friends

d) Swimming in the river

2. Who set the trap that Kiko found?

a) Pak Pandir

b) A tiger

c) Another kancil

d) A farmer

3. How did Kiko recognize the trap?

a) He stepped on it accidentally

b) His sharp eyes and quick thinking

c) Another animal warned him

d) He had been trapped there before

4. What did Kiko use to disguise the trap?

a) Stones and twigs

b) Fresh leaves and fruits

c) Mud and water

d) Grass and flowers

5. What did Kiko place just beyond the trap’s reach?

a) Water

b) Leaves

c) Fruit

d) Twigs

6. Where did Kiko hide to watch the hunter?

a) In a tree

b) Behind a rock

c) Behind a nearby bush

d) Under the trap

7. What happened to Pak Pandir when he tried to get the bait?

a) He fell into a river

b) He caught Kiko

c) He got caught in his own trap

d) He scared Kiko away

8. How did Pak Pandir react when he realized he was trapped?

a) He cried for help

b) He laughed at his predicament

c) He got angry

d) He tried to catch Kiko

9. What lesson did Pak Pandir learn?

a) To set better traps

b) To never return to the jungle

c) To respect the cleverness of small animals

d) To always bring a friend

10. How did the other animals in the jungle react to Kiko’s cleverness?

a) They ignored him

b) They tried to set traps for him

c) They had a newfound respect for him

d) They laughed at him

Key Answer

  1. b) Foraging for food
  2. a) Pak Pandir
  3. b) His sharp eyes and quick thinking
  4. b) Fresh leaves and fruits
  5. c) Fruit
  6. c) Behind a nearby bush
  7. c) He got caught in his own trap
  8. b) He laughed at his predicament
  9. c) To respect the cleverness of small animals
  10. c) They had a newfound respect for him

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