Argumentative text about Palestine and Israil with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer

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        Argumentative text adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menyajikan argumen yang kuat dalam mendukung atau menentang suatu isu atau pendapat tertentu. Biasanya, teks ini disusun dengan struktur yang terdiri dari pendahuluan, pembahasan argumen, dan kesimpulan. Pendahuluan biasanya memperkenalkan isu yang akan dibahas, menyajikan pernyataan tesis, dan mungkin juga memberikan gambaran umum tentang argumen yang akan disajikan. Selain itu, dalam pembahasan argumen, penulis akan menyajikan argumen-argumen yang mendukung atau menentang pernyataan tesis, dilengkapi dengan bukti-bukti dan data-data yang relevan. Di bagian kesimpulan, penulis akan merangkum argumen-argumen yang telah disajikan dan memperkuat posisi yang diambil.

        Dalam sebuah argumentative text, penting untuk memiliki argumen yang kuat dan relevan serta menyajikannya dengan cara yang terorganisir dan jelas. Teks ini juga harus mampu mengakomodasi sudut pandang yang berbeda dan menanggapi kontra-argumen secara objektif. Melalui struktur yang kokoh dan penggunaan bahasa yang persuasif, penulis berusaha untuk meyakinkan pembaca untuk menerima pandangan atau posisi yang diusulkan dalam teks. Dengan demikian, argumentative text tidak hanya menawarkan pandangan atau opini, tetapi juga bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi sikap atau tindakan pembaca terhadap isu yang dibahas.

        Berikut Argumentative text about Palestine and Israil with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer

The Complexities of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most enduring and contentious conflicts in modern history. At its core, it revolves around the struggle for land and sovereignty in the region known as Palestine. On one side, Israel asserts its right to exist as a Jewish state, citing historical ties and the need for a homeland for the Jewish people after centuries of persecution. On the other side, Palestinians claim the same land as their ancestral home, emphasizing their right to self-determination and statehood. This clash of national identities and territorial claims has fueled decades of violence, diplomatic impasses, and human suffering.

Historical grievances and competing narratives further complicate the Israel-Palestine conflict. Both Israelis and Palestinians lay claim to Jerusalem, a city of immense religious significance for Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. The Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem and its expansion of settlements in the West Bank have deepened Palestinian resentment and undermined prospects for a two-state solution. Moreover, issues such as the status of Palestinian refugees, access to water resources, and security concerns have exacerbated tensions and hindered efforts at peace negotiations. The legacy of past conflicts, such as the Arab-Israeli wars and the intifadas, continues to shape perceptions and fuel distrust between the two sides.

International involvement adds another layer of complexity to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Various actors, including the United States, European Union, and neighboring Arab states, have sought to broker peace agreements and influence the trajectory of negotiations. However, differing geopolitical interests, ideological alliances, and historical alliances have often hindered the effectiveness of external mediation efforts. The United Nations has also played a significant role, issuing resolutions condemning Israeli settlements and affirming the rights of Palestinians, but its ability to enforce these resolutions remains limited. Ultimately, achieving a lasting resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict requires addressing the root causes of the dispute, respecting the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians, and fostering an environment conducive to dialogue and reconciliation.

Multiple Choice Test:

1. What is the central issue in the Israel-Palestine conflict?
a) Religious differences
b) Struggle for land and sovereignty
c) Economic inequality
d) Cultural assimilation

2. Which city is contested by both Israelis and Palestinians?
a) Tel Aviv
b) Haifa
c) Jerusalem
d) Ramallah

3. What has hindered prospects for a two-state solution?
a) Palestinian resistance
b) Israeli settlements
c) Lack of international support
d) Natural disasters

4. Which historical events continue to shape perceptions and fuel distrust?
a) Ottoman Empire collapse
b) Crusades
c) Arab-Israeli wars
d) Mongol invasions

5. What has limited the effectiveness of external mediation efforts?
a) Geopolitical interests
b) Ideological alliances
c) Historical alliances
d) All of the above

6. Which organization has issued resolutions condemning Israeli settlements?
a) European Union
b) United Nations
d) Arab League

7. What is essential for achieving a lasting resolution to the conflict?
a) Military victory
b) Addressing root causes
c) Imposing sanctions
d) Expelling populations

8. What complicates the Israel-Palestine conflict?
a) Historical grievances
b) Competing narratives
c) International involvement
d) All of the above

9..What is the primary argument of Israelis in the conflict?
a) Right to self-determination
b) Need for a Jewish homeland
c) Return of Palestinian refugees
d) Access to natural resources

10. What is the primary argument of Palestinians in the conflict?
a) Right to exist as a Jewish state
b) Access to water resources
c) Right to self-determination
d) Expansion of settlements

Key Answers:
  1. b) Struggle for land and sovereignty
  2. c) Jerusalem
  3. b) Israeli settlements
  4. c) Arab-Israeli wars
  5. d) All of the above
  6. b) United Nations
  7. b) Addressing root causes
  8. d) All of the above
  9. b) Need for a Jewish homeland
  10. c) Right to self-determination

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