Narrative text about The Clever Kancil's Great Escape with 10 grammar test and key answer

         Narrative text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang menceritakan suatu kejadian atau cerita secara berurutan. Jenis teks ini umumnya mengandung unsur-unsur seperti karakter, plot, setting, konflik, dan resolusi. Dalam narrative text, pengarang berusaha untuk membawa pembaca melalui perjalanan cerita yang menarik, biasanya dengan memperkenalkan tokoh-tokoh yang kuat, mengembangkan konflik yang menegangkan, dan menyelesaikan cerita dengan resolusi yang memuaskan. Melalui narasi, pembaca dapat merasakan emosi yang dialami oleh karakter dan terlibat dalam alur cerita yang disajikan.

          Dalam contoh-contoh narrative text, cerita sering kali dijalin dengan jelas dan mengalir secara alami, memungkinkan pembaca untuk terhubung dengan cerita yang disampaikan. Kekuatan narrative text terletak pada kemampuannya untuk menghibur, menginspirasi, dan mengajarkan pembaca melalui pengalaman fiksi yang memikat. Dengan begitu, pembaca dapat memahami pesan moral yang disampaikan oleh cerita dan menikmati perjalanan imajinatif yang ditawarkan

          Berikut Narrative text about The Clever Kancil's Great Escape with 10 grammar test and key answer

The Clever Kancil's Great Escape

          Once upon a time, in the dense Malaysian jungle, lived a clever and cunning creature known as Kancil, the mouse deer. Despite being small in stature, Kancil possessed intelligence beyond measure. One day, Kancil found itself trapped by a group of fierce and hungry tigers. With quick wit and cunning, Kancil devised a plan to outsmart the tigers and make a daring escape.

          Firstly, Kancil feigned illness, pretending to be weak and frail. The tigers, eager to feast on such an easy prey, let their guard down and approached Kancil cautiously. Sensing an opportunity, Kancil leaped up and dashed through the legs of the surprised tigers, darting into the safety of the surrounding foliage.

         Secondly, as the tigers gave chase, Kancil led them into a maze of thorny bushes and tangled vines, where their large bodies struggled to maneuver. With each twist and turn, Kancil gained precious ground, leaving the befuddled tigers tangled and bewildered in the maze.

         Finally, when the tigers were at their most vulnerable, Kancil executed the final stroke of its plan. With a mischievous grin, Kancil taunted the tigers from a safe distance, mocking their inability to catch such a small and nimble creature. Enraged and humiliated, the tigers eventually gave up their pursuit, and Kancil emerged victorious, having outsmarted the fiercest predators of the jungle.

Grammar test:

  1. What is the subject of the sentence "Once upon a time, in the dense Malaysian jungle, lived a clever and cunning creature known as Kancil, the mouse deer"?
  2. Identify the verb tense used in the sentence "Kancil possessed intelligence beyond measure."
  3. What type of clause is used in the sentence "Despite being small in stature, Kancil possessed intelligence beyond measure"?
  4. Which word functions as an adverb in the sentence "One day, Kancil found itself trapped by a group of fierce and hungry tigers"?
  5. Identify the verb form in the sentence "With quick wit and cunning, Kancil devised a plan to outsmart the tigers and make a daring escape."
  6. What part of speech is the word "such" in the sentence "The tigers, eager to feast on such an easy prey"?
  7. Identify the prepositional phrase in the sentence "Sensing an opportunity, Kancil leaped up and dashed through the legs of the surprised tigers."
  8. Which word functions as a conjunction in the sentence "With each twist and turn, Kancil gained precious ground, leaving the befuddled tigers tangled and bewildered in the maze"?
  9. What type of sentence is the sentence "Finally, when the tigers were at their most vulnerable, Kancil executed the final stroke of its plan"?
  10. Identify the subject of the sentence "Enraged and humiliated, the tigers eventually gave up their pursuit, and Kancil emerged victorious, having outsmarted the fiercest predators of the jungle".

Key Answers:

  1. The subject is "a clever and cunning creature known as Kancil, the mouse deer."
  2. The verb tense used is past tense.
  3. It is a participial clause.
  4. "One" functions as an adverb.
  5. The verb form is past tense ("devised").
  6. "Such" is a determiner.
  7. The prepositional phrase is "Sensing an opportunity."
  8. "And" functions as a conjunction.
  9. It is a complex sentence.
  10. The subject is "the tigers."

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