Anecdote text about My First Day at School with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer

          Anecdote text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi yang singkat dan menarik, seringkali untuk tujuan menghibur atau memberikan pelajaran moral. Biasanya, teks ini memiliki struktur yang sederhana, dimulai dengan pengenalan tokoh atau latar belakang, diikuti oleh rangkaian peristiwa yang mengarah ke puncak cerita, dan diakhiri dengan kesimpulan atau pelajaran yang diperoleh dari pengalaman tersebut.

         Berikut Anecdote text about My First Day at School with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer

My First Day at School

I remember my first day at school vividly, as if it were yesterday. The morning was filled with excitement and nervousness as my parents helped me put on my crisp uniform. As we approached the school gates, my heart pounded with anticipation. Stepping into the classroom, I was greeted by a mix of curious faces and friendly smiles. The teacher, Mrs. Johnson, welcomed me warmly and introduced me to my classmates. Despite the initial jitters, I soon found myself engrossed in the day's activities, from learning the alphabet to making new friends during recess.

As the day progressed, I began to feel more at ease in my new surroundings. The classroom buzzed with energy as we embarked on various learning adventures. I was fascinated by the colorful posters adorning the walls and the shelves filled with books waiting to be explored. During break time, I joined my peers in the playground, where we laughed and played games, forging bonds that would last a lifetime. By the time the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I was reluctant to leave. My first day at school had been an unforgettable experience, marking the beginning of an exciting journey ahead.

Multiple Choice Test

1. How did the narrator feel on their first day at school?

a) Nervous and excited

b) Anxious and sad

c) Bored and tired

d) Happy and relaxed

2. Who welcomed the narrator into the classroom?

a) Mr. Smith

b) Mrs. Johnson

c) Mrs. Smith

d) Mr. Johnson

3. What did the narrator do during break time?

a) Studied

b) Played games

c) Slept

d) Ate lunch

4. What fascinated the narrator inside the classroom?

a) Empty walls

b) Broken desks

c) Colorful posters and books

d) Dusty windows

5. How did the narrator feel at the end of the school day?

a) Relieved

b) Sad

c) Reluctant to leave

d) Exhausted

6. What did the narrator learn during the day?

a) How to count

b) The alphabet

c) History

d) Chemistry

7. Who helped the narrator put on their uniform?

a) Teacher

b) Parents

c) Classmate

d) Principal

8. What did the narrator do during recess?

a) Studied

b) Ate lunch

c) Made new friends and played games

d) Slept

9. What did the narrator find on the shelves inside the classroom?

a) Toys

b) Books

c) Food

d) Art supplies

10. How did the narrator describe the classroom atmosphere?

a) Boring

b) Quiet

c) Energized

d) Dark

Answer Key:

  1. a) Nervous and excited
  2. b) Mrs. Johnson
  3. b) Played games
  4. c) Colorful posters and books
  5. c) Reluctant to leave
  6. b) The alphabet
  7. b) Parents
  8. c) Made new friends and played games
  9. b) Books
  10. c) Energized

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