Explanation text about Environmental Issues in Indonesia with 10 multiple choices test and key answer

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          Berikut adalah Explanation text about Environmental Issues in Indonesia with 10 multiple choices test and key answer

Environmental Issues in Indonesia

Indonesia, with its vast archipelago comprising thousands of islands, faces a myriad of environmental challenges. One significant issue is deforestation, driven primarily by the expansion of palm oil plantations, logging, and agricultural activities. This rampant deforestation threatens the country's rich biodiversity, including endangered species like orangutans and Sumatran tigers, while also exacerbating climate change through increased carbon emissions.

Another pressing concern is air pollution, particularly in urban areas like Jakarta, where traffic congestion and industrial activities contribute to poor air quality. This pollution not only affects human health but also damages ecosystems and agricultural productivity. Additionally, Indonesia's extensive coastline is vulnerable to plastic pollution, with inadequate waste management infrastructure leading to widespread marine debris, endangering marine life and livelihoods dependent on fisheries.

Furthermore, Indonesia faces water pollution issues due to industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and inadequate wastewater treatment. This contamination affects both surface and groundwater sources, compromising access to clean water for drinking, sanitation, and agriculture. Addressing these environmental challenges requires concerted efforts from government, industry, and civil society to enact and enforce policies aimed at sustainable resource management and pollution control.

Multiple Choice Test:

1. What is one primary cause of deforestation in Indonesia?

a) Mining activities

b) Expansion of palm oil plantations

c) Ecotourism

d) Wind erosion

2. Which endangered species is threatened by deforestation in Indonesia?

a) Dolphins

b) Orangutans

c) Komodo dragons

d) Sea turtles

3. What contributes to poor air quality in Jakarta?

a) Renewable energy sources

b) Industrial activities

c) Reduced traffic congestion

d) Effective waste management

4. Which environmental issue affects Indonesia's coastline?

a) Soil erosion

b) Noise pollution

c) Plastic pollution

d) Desertification

5. What is a consequence of water pollution in Indonesia?

a) Increased agricultural productivity

b) Improved marine biodiversity

c) Compromised access to clean water

d) Enhanced fishery yields

6. What is one suggested solution for addressing environmental challenges in Indonesia?

a) Increase deforestation rates

b) Promote unsustainable agricultural practices

c) Enact and enforce policies for sustainable resource management

d) Expand industrial pollution without regulation

7. Which entity should be involved in addressing Indonesia's environmental issues?

a) Only the government

b) Only civil society

c) Only industry

d) Government, industry, and civil society

8. What is a consequence of widespread deforestation in Indonesia?

a) Increased biodiversity

b) Reduced carbon emissions

c) Exacerbated climate change

d) Enhanced ecosystem resilience

9. Which industry contributes to air pollution in urban areas like Jakarta?

a) Sustainable agriculture

b) Information technology

c) Transportation and industrial activities

d) Renewable energy production

10. What threatens Indonesia's rich biodiversity?

a) Sustainable tourism

b) Deforestation and habitat loss

c) Marine conservation efforts

d) Wildlife protection laws

Key Answers:

  1. b) Expansion of palm oil plantations
  2. b) Orangutans
  3. b) Industrial activities
  4. c) Plastic pollution
  5. c) Compromised access to clean water
  6. c) Enact and enforce policies for sustainable resource management
  7. d) Government, industry, and civil society
  8. c) Exacerbated climate change
  9. c) Transportation and industrial activities
  10. b) Deforestation and habitat loss

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