Environmental Issues in Indonesia: Explanation text with 10 essay test and key answer

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  2. Struktur: Biasanya terdiri dari pengenalan (introduction), penjelasan (explanation), dan penutup (conclusion). Pengenalan menjelaskan tentang apa yang akan dijelaskan, penjelasan memaparkan informasi secara detail, dan penutup memberikan rangkuman singkat.
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           Berikut Explanation text about Environmental Issues in Indonesia with 10 essay test and key answer

Environmental Issues in Indonesia 

Environmental issues in Indonesia are multifaceted, ranging from deforestation to air and water pollution. One pressing concern is deforestation, primarily driven by illegal logging, agricultural expansion, and palm oil plantation development. This rampant deforestation not only threatens biodiversity, including endangered species like orangutans, but also exacerbates climate change by releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere. Additionally, Indonesia's peatlands, which store vast amounts of carbon, are being drained and cleared, further contributing to carbon emissions and increasing the risk of wildfires.

Air and water pollution are also significant challenges facing Indonesia. In urban areas, air pollution is mainly caused by vehicle emissions, industrial activities, and biomass burning. Poor air quality poses health risks to millions of Indonesians and contributes to respiratory illnesses. Similarly, water pollution is widespread due to inadequate waste management systems, industrial discharge, and agricultural runoff. Contaminated water sources not only jeopardize public health but also degrade aquatic ecosystems, threatening marine life and fisheries upon which many Indonesians depend for their livelihoods.

Furthermore, Indonesia's rich biodiversity is under threat from habitat destruction, overexploitation, and illegal wildlife trade. Loss of habitat due to deforestation and land conversion directly impacts species survival, while poaching and illegal trade endanger iconic wildlife such as Sumatran tigers and Javan rhinoceroses. Conservation efforts are hindered by insufficient resources, weak law enforcement, and corruption, highlighting the need for concerted action to address these environmental challenges and preserve Indonesia's natural heritage for future generations.

Essay Test:

  1. What are the main drivers of deforestation in Indonesia?
  2. How does deforestation contribute to climate change?
  3. What are the environmental impacts of air pollution in urban areas?
  4. Explain the factors contributing to water pollution in Indonesia.
  5. How does water pollution affect public health and ecosystems?
  6. Discuss the threats facing Indonesia's biodiversity.
  7. What are the consequences of habitat destruction for wildlife?
  8. How does illegal wildlife trade affect endangered species?
  9. Why are conservation efforts hindered in Indonesia?
  10. What actions can be taken to address environmental issues in Indonesia?

Key Answers:

  1. The main drivers of deforestation in Indonesia include illegal logging, agricultural expansion, and palm oil plantation development.
  2. Deforestation releases stored carbon into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change by increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Air pollution in urban areas is caused by vehicle emissions, industrial activities, and biomass burning.
  4. Factors contributing to water pollution in Indonesia include inadequate waste management, industrial discharge, and agricultural runoff.
  5. Water pollution affects public health by jeopardizing water sources and ecosystems through contamination, leading to health risks and ecosystem degradation.
  6. Indonesia's biodiversity is threatened by habitat destruction, overexploitation, and illegal wildlife trade.
  7. Habitat destruction directly impacts species survival by reducing available habitat and resources.
  8. Illegal wildlife trade contributes to the decline of endangered species by exploiting them for commercial purposes.
  9. Conservation efforts are hindered by insufficient resources, weak law enforcement, and corruption.
  10. Actions to address environmental issues in Indonesia include strengthening law enforcement, promoting sustainable land use practices, improving waste management systems, and enhancing conservation efforts.

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