Review text about Indonesian Traditional Clothing in with 10 multiple choices test and key answer

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         Berikut Review text about Indonesian Traditional Clothing in with 10 multiple choices test and key answer

Review of Indonesian Traditional Clothing

Indonesia boasts a rich tapestry of traditional clothing, reflecting the nation's diverse cultures and history. One of the most iconic pieces is the "kebaya," a traditional blouse-dress combination worn by women. Originating from Java, the kebaya is often intricately embroidered and paired with a sarong or batik cloth. It exudes elegance and grace, making it a popular choice for formal occasions such as weddings and cultural events. Another notable attire is the "batik," a cloth dyed using a wax-resist technique. Batik patterns vary across regions, with motifs inspired by nature, mythology, and geometric designs. It holds deep cultural significance and is often worn during ceremonies and celebrations.

In addition to the kebaya and batik, Indonesia is also renowned for its diverse range of traditional garments. The "sarong," for instance, is a versatile piece of cloth worn by both men and women. It can be wrapped around the waist as a skirt or worn as a head covering. Each region in Indonesia has its own unique style of sarong, reflecting local customs and beliefs. Meanwhile, men often wear the "sarong" paired with a "koko shirt," a loose-fitting shirt with a Mandarin collar. This ensemble is commonly worn during religious ceremonies and formal events. Furthermore, the "songket" is a luxurious woven fabric, typically made from silk or cotton, adorned with intricate patterns woven using metallic threads. It is highly valued and often passed down through generations as a symbol of prestige and heritage.

Multiple Choice Test:

1. What is the traditional blouse-dress combination worn by women in Indonesia?

a) Sarong

b) Batik

c) Kebaya

d) Songket

2. Where does the kebaya originate from?

a) Bali

b) Sumatra

c) Java

d) Kalimantan

3. What technique is used to dye batik cloth?

a) Tie-dye

b) Wax-resist

c) Screen printing

d) Stencil

4. What is the versatile piece of cloth worn by both men and women in Indonesia?

a) Koko shirt

b) Sarong

c) Songket

d) Kebaya

5. Which traditional garment is commonly paired with a Mandarin collar shirt for men?

a) Batik

b) Sarong

c) Kebaya

d) Songket

6. What is the luxurious woven fabric adorned with intricate metallic patterns called?

a) Sarong

b) Batik

c) Songket

d) Kebaya

7. In what occasions are kebaya and batik commonly worn?

a) Daily wear

b) Religious ceremonies

c) Formal events

d) Sports events

8. Which traditional clothing item is often passed down through generations as a symbol of prestige?

a) Sarong

b) Batik

c) Songket

d) Koko shirt

9. What region in Indonesia is famous for its unique style of sarong?

a) Java

b) Sumatra

c) Bali

d) Sulawesi

10. Which clothing item can be wrapped around the waist as a skirt or worn as a head covering?

a) Kebaya

b) Batik

c) Sarong

d) Songket

Answer Key:

  1. c) Kebaya
  2. c) Java
  3. b) Wax-resist
  4. b) Sarong
  5. d) Songket
  6. c) Songket
  7. c) Formal events
  8. c) Songket
  9. c) Bali
  10. c) Sarong

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