News Item text about International trade agreements involving Indonesia with 10 multiple choices test and key answer

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International Trade Agreements Involving Indonesia

Indonesia, a key player in the Southeast Asian region, has been actively engaged in various international trade agreements to bolster its economy and expand its global market reach. One significant agreement is the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which Indonesia officially joined in 2018. This agreement aims to promote trade liberalization among its member countries, fostering economic growth and cooperation. Through the CPTPP, Indonesia has gained access to a vast market comprising countries such as Japan, Canada, and Mexico, offering new opportunities for Indonesian businesses to thrive on the international stage.

Another pivotal trade pact involving Indonesia is the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), which came into force in 2020. This bilateral agreement aims to enhance economic cooperation between the two nations by reducing tariffs and barriers to trade. With IA-CEPA in place, Indonesia and Australia have committed to fostering greater investment, facilitating smoother trade procedures, and promoting collaboration in various sectors, including agriculture, education, and digital trade. This agreement marks a significant milestone in strengthening the economic ties between Indonesia and Australia, paving the way for increased trade and investment opportunities.

Furthermore, Indonesia is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a regional organization aimed at promoting economic integration and cooperation among its member states. Within ASEAN, Indonesia actively participates in various trade agreements, such as the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which aim to create a single market and production base, enhancing the region's competitiveness and attractiveness to investors. Through its engagement in these agreements, Indonesia continues to play a crucial role in driving economic growth and prosperity in Southeast Asia and beyond.

Test Questions:

1. When did Indonesia join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)?

a) 2010

b) 2018

c) 2020

d) 2022

2. Which countries are part of the CPTPP?

a) China and India

b) Japan, Canada, and Mexico

c) Brazil and Russia

d) United States and United Kingdom

3. When did the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) come into force?

a) 2010

b) 2018

c) 2020

d) 2022

4. What is the aim of the IA-CEPA?

a) To reduce tariffs between Indonesia and China

b) To enhance economic cooperation between Indonesia and Australia

c) To promote trade barriers between Indonesia and Japan

d) To increase tariffs on imported goods

5. Which organization does Indonesia belong to for promoting economic integration in Southeast Asia?




d) G7

6. What is the purpose of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)?

a) To increase trade barriers among ASEAN member states

b) To create a single market and production base within ASEAN

c) To reduce economic cooperation in Southeast Asia

d) To exclude Indonesia from regional trade agreements

7. What is the goal of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)?

a) To promote economic integration among ASEAN member states

b) To increase tariffs within Southeast Asia

c) To discourage foreign investment in ASEAN countries

d) To limit trade opportunities within the region

8. Which sector does the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) aim to promote collaboration in?

a) Energy

b) Agriculture

c) Tourism

d) Manufacturing

9. What opportunities does the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) offer Indonesian businesses?

a) Access to a vast market comprising countries such as Japan, Canada, and Mexico

b) Access to a vast market comprising countries such as Brazil and Russia

c) Access to a vast market comprising countries such as China and India

d) Access to a vast market comprising countries such as the United States and United Kingdom

10. What role does Indonesia play in driving economic growth and prosperity in Southeast Asia and beyond?

a) A passive observer

b) A disengaged participant

c) A pivotal player

d) A marginal contributor

Key Answers:

  1. b) 2018
  2. b) Japan, Canada, and Mexico
  3. c) 2020
  4. b) To enhance economic cooperation between Indonesia and Australia
  5. c) ASEAN
  6. b) To create a single market and production base within ASEAN
  7. a) To promote economic integration among ASEAN member states
  8. b) Agriculture
  9. a) Access to a vast market comprising countries such as Japan, Canada, and Mexico
  10. c) A pivotal player

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