A Day at the Park: Recount Text Dengan Soal Essay Lengkap dengan Jawaban

A Day at the Park: Recount Text Dengan Soal Essay Lengkap dengan Jawaban

       Last weekend, I had the pleasure of visiting the serene Green Meadows Park. As I entered, a wave of fresh air and the soothing sounds of nature instantly embraced me. The park, adorned with vibrant flowers and towering trees, seemed like an oasis in the midst of the bustling city.

       Walking along the well-maintained pathways, I noticed families engaged in various activities. Children gleefully played on the playground, their laughter echoing through the air. Couples strolled hand in hand, taking in the beauty of the surroundings. The atmosphere was one of joy and relaxation.

       One of the highlights of the park was the picturesque pond, where ducks gracefully glided across the water. It provided a peaceful spot to sit and reflect, away from the demands of daily life. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds created a symphony of tranquility.

       The park also boasted recreational facilities like a basketball court and a fitness area. People of all ages were actively participating in sports and exercises, fostering a sense of community and well-being. It was inspiring to see individuals embracing a healthy lifestyle in such an inviting environment.

       As the day came to a close, I left the park feeling rejuvenated and grateful for the experience. Green Meadows Park, with its harmonious blend of nature and recreational spaces, proved to be a haven for relaxation and connection. It reminded me of the importance of taking a break from the daily grind to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

Essay Questions:

1. What park did you visit?

Green Meadows Park.

2. Describe the initial atmosphere as you entered the park.

The atmosphere was serene, with fresh air and soothing sounds of nature.

3. What activities did you observe families engaging in?

Children playing on the playground, couples strolling, and families enjoying various activities.

4. Highlight a specific feature of the park that stood out to you.

The picturesque pond with ducks gracefully gliding across the water.

5. What recreational facilities were available in the park?

A basketball court and a fitness area.

6. How did the park contribute to a sense of community?

People of all ages actively participated in sports and exercises.

7. What sounds added to the tranquil atmosphere near the pond?

The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds.

8. What was the overall impact of the park visit on your mood?

I left feeling rejuvenated and grateful for the experience.

9. What did the park remind you of regarding daily life?

The importance of taking a break to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

10. What feelings did the atmosphere in the park evoke in you?

The atmosphere evoked feelings of joy, relaxation, and gratitude.

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