Concept of Approach, Strategy, Method and Technique

 Concept of Approach, Strategy, Method and Technique

Richard and Rogers (1986: 2) state the four is “often confusion among the term, approach, strategy, method and technique”. These four terms may be viewed 6 as points along a continuum for the theoretical (approach), in which basic belifs about language and learning are, how is the way to teach (strategy), to design (method) in which practical plan for teaching and learning a language is considered to detail (technique) where the actual learning activity take place. Some language learning courses use basically only one technique. These courses coul be said to be based on method such as the language learning cycle of technique are combined, so the terms is not used in the same sense. Furthermore, some people use the terms interchangeably with technique.

According to Finnochio (1885: 11) approach is a set of correlatives assumptions about the nature of language and language learning, but does not involve procedure or provide any details about how such assumptions should translate into the classroom setting. Actually approach in teaching English as a foreign language has three elements: views about the nature of language, beliefs about language learning and ideas about how the above should be applied practically to learning and teaching.

Chamot and O’Malley (1994: 35) state that “ strategy is that are used to plan, monitor, and evaluate a learning task”. Richard and Rogers (1986: 67) states that technique is “an explicit procedure or strategy used to accomplish a particular learning objective or a set of objectives”. Whereas method is an overall plan for learning a second language, based on theoretical approach selected. It involves the design of a syllabus for the courses, which in turn consist of learning objectives and technique for activating those objectives”. Where as method is an overall plant for learning a second language, based on theoretical approach selected. It involves the design of a syllabuses for activating those objective. And based on Nunun (1999: 171) strategy is the mental and communicative procedure learner use is order to learner use is order to learn use is order to learn and use language undelying every learning task is at least one strategy. However, in most classrooms, learners are unaware of the strategy underlying the learning task in which they are engaged.




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