Recount text about My Favorite Childhood Toy with 10 essay test and key answer untuk Bahan Ajar

         Recount text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa atau pengalaman yang telah terjadi dalam urutan waktu tertentu. Biasanya, teks ini menggunakan kalimat lampau sederhana dan urutan kronologis untuk menjelaskan peristiwa secara terperinci. Dengan demikian, pembaca dapat memahami dengan jelas apa yang terjadi dan bagaimana peristiwa tersebut berkembang. Misalnya, recount text bisa berupa cerita tentang liburan, perjalanan, atau pengalaman pribadi lainnya

        Berikut Recount text about My Favorite Childhood Toy with 10 essay test and key answer

My Favorite Childhood Toy

         One of my cherished childhood toys was a bright red fire truck. It was a gift from my grandparents on my fifth birthday, and it quickly became my constant companion. The fire truck was adorned with intricate details, including flashing lights, sirens, and extendable ladders, which made it feel incredibly realistic to my young imagination. I spent countless hours zooming it around the house, creating imaginary emergency scenarios, and coming to the rescue of my other toys.

         The fire truck not only provided endless entertainment but also sparked my fascination with emergency services and firefighting. I would often watch fire trucks pass by with admiration, imagining myself behind the wheel, racing to save the day. This toy ignited a passion within me that lasted well into adulthood, ultimately influencing my career path. Even though I've outgrown playing with toys, the memories of my favorite childhood toy still hold a special place in my heart, serving as a reminder of the innocence and joy of youth.

Essay Test:

  1. What was the author's favorite childhood toy?
  2. Who gave the toy to the author?
  3. What were some features of the toy?
  4. How did the author feel about the toy?
  5. How did the toy influence the author's imagination?
  6. How did the author spend their time with the toy?
  7. What impact did the toy have on the author's interests?
  8. How does the author feel about the toy now?
  9. What do the memories of the toy represent to the author?
  10. How did the toy influence the author's future?

Key Answer:

  1. The author's favorite childhood toy was a bright red fire truck.
  2. The toy was a gift from the author's grandparents on their fifth birthday.
  3. The toy had flashing lights, sirens, and extendable ladders.
  4. The author cherished the toy and considered it their constant companion.
  5. The toy sparked the author's fascination with emergency services and firefighting, igniting their imagination.
  6. The author spent countless hours playing with the toy, creating imaginary emergency scenarios.
  7. The toy influenced the author's interests by fostering a passion for emergency services and firefighting.
  8. The memories of the toy still hold a special place in the author's heart.
  9. The memories represent the innocence and joy of youth to the author.
  10. The toy influenced the author's future by shaping their career path and interests.

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