Hortatory text about Dreams with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer untuk bahan ajar

           Hortatory text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk mempengaruhi atau meyakinkan pembaca atau pendengar agar melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Teks ini biasanya berisi argumen yang mendukung posisi penulis mengenai suatu isu tertentu, disertai dengan rekomendasi atau ajakan yang jelas. Struktur umum hortatory text meliputi tiga bagian utama: tesis, argumen, dan rekomendasi. Bagian tesis menyatakan isu yang dibahas dan pendapat penulis secara umum. Bagian argumen berisi alasan-alasan yang mendukung pendapat penulis, sering kali didukung oleh fakta atau data. Bagian rekomendasi merupakan kesimpulan yang memberikan ajakan atau saran tindakan kepada pembaca.

          Dalam hortatory text, bahasa yang digunakan cenderung persuasif dan emotif, bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi emosi dan logika pembaca. Penulis menggunakan berbagai teknik retorika, seperti pertanyaan retoris, pengulangan, dan analogi, untuk memperkuat argumennya. Selain itu, penggunaan kata-kata yang kuat dan tegas juga umum ditemukan dalam jenis teks ini. Hortatory text sering ditemukan dalam berbagai konteks, seperti pidato, editorial, iklan, dan kampanye sosial. Contoh umum termasuk ajakan untuk tidak merokok, kampanye untuk menjaga kebersihan lingkungan, atau persuasi untuk mendukung kebijakan publik tertentu

         Berikut Hortatory text about Dreams with 10 Multiple choices test and key answer

Hortatory Text: The Power of Dreams

           Dreams are the seeds of our aspirations and the foundations of our future achievements. They ignite our passions, fuel our ambitions, and propel us forward despite the obstacles we encounter. Dreams are not just whimsical thoughts that dance in our minds; they are the driving forces that shape our lives. By setting clear and achievable dreams, we give ourselves a direction and purpose, creating a roadmap that leads to personal and professional fulfillment.

          However, merely having dreams is not enough. To transform dreams into reality, we must be willing to put in the necessary work and dedication. This involves setting realistic goals, developing a strategic plan, and maintaining the discipline to follow through. The path to achieving our dreams is often filled with challenges and setbacks, but it is our perseverance and resilience that determine our success. By staying committed and continually striving towards our dreams, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

         Therefore, it is imperative to dream big and to dream often. Do not let fear or doubt diminish the power of your dreams. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who encourage and motivate you. Embrace the journey, celebrate the small victories, and learn from the failures. Remember, every great achievement began as a dream. Your dreams are the blueprint for your future; nurture them, believe in them, and work tirelessly to make them come true.

Multiple Choice Test

1. What are dreams described as in the text?

a. Whimsical thoughts

b. The seeds of our aspirations

c. Fleeting ideas

d. Random imaginings

2. What is necessary besides having dreams, according to the text?

a. Good luck

b. Wealth

c. Hard work and dedication

d. Friendship

3. What should one do to transform dreams into reality?

a. Daydream often

b. Set realistic goals and make a plan

c. Wait for opportunities

d. Ignore obstacles

4. What quality is crucial in overcoming obstacles on the path to achieving dreams?

a. Intelligence

b. Perseverance

c. Popularity

d. Strength

5. How should one react to failures according to the text?

a. Give up immediately

b. Ignore them

c. Learn from them

d. Be indifferent

6. What role do supportive individuals play in achieving dreams?

a. They hinder progress

b. They provide financial support

c. They encourage and motivate

d. They criticize your efforts

7. What is recommended to do when facing challenges?

a. Avoid them

b. Face them with resilience

c. Complain about them

d. Ignore them

8. How are great achievements related to dreams in the text?

a. They are coincidental

b. They start as dreams

c. They are unrelated

d. They happen spontaneously

9. What is the final advice given about dreams in the text?

a. Keep them secret

b. Share them with everyone

c. Nurture, believe, and work tirelessly for them

d. Doubt their feasibility

10. What can diminish the power of your dreams?

a. Support from others

b. Fear and doubt

c. Confidence

d. Determination

Key Answers

  1. b. The seeds of our aspirations
  2. c. Hard work and dedication
  3. b. Set realistic goals and make a plan
  4. b. Perseverance
  5. c. Learn from them
  6. c. They encourage and motivate
  7. b. Face them with resilience
  8. b. They start as dreams
  9. c. Nurture, believe, and work tirelessly for them
  10. b. Fear and doubt

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