Argumentative text about The impact of corruption on Indonesia's economic growth with 10 vocabulary test and key answer

        Teks argumentatif adalah jenis tulisan yang bertujuan untuk meyakinkan pembaca tentang suatu pendapat atau pandangan dengan menggunakan argumen yang logis dan bukti yang kuat. Teks ini biasanya dimulai dengan pengenalan topik yang diikuti oleh pernyataan tesis yang jelas, yaitu klaim utama yang akan didukung sepanjang tulisan. Setelah itu, penulis akan mengembangkan argumen dengan memberikan alasan, bukti, dan contoh konkret yang mendukung tesis tersebut.

         Dalam menulis teks argumentatif, penting untuk mempertimbangkan sudut pandang lawan dan menyajikan argumen yang menanggapi potensi keberatan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa penulis telah mempertimbangkan berbagai perspektif sebelum mengukuhkan posisinya. Selain itu, struktur yang terorganisir dengan baik, termasuk penggunaan paragraf yang koheren dan transisi yang jelas antar-argumen, sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa tulisan tersebut mudah diikuti dan meyakinkan

       Argumentative text about The impact of corruption on Indonesia's economic growth with 10 vocabulary test and key answer

Argumentative Text: The impact of corruption on Indonesia's economic growth

        Corruption has been a persistent issue in Indonesia, significantly undermining its economic growth. Corruption manifests in various forms, including bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism, which distort market mechanisms and reduce efficiency. This misallocation of resources hampers investment, as potential investors perceive a high risk of losing their capital to corrupt practices. Consequently, the business environment becomes unpredictable, deterring both domestic and foreign investors from contributing to economic development.

         Moreover, corruption in Indonesia impedes the equitable distribution of wealth. Public funds meant for essential services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure often end up in the pockets of corrupt officials. This leads to inadequate public services, which disproportionately affects the poor and widens the gap between the rich and the poor. The lack of proper infrastructure and social services reduces the overall quality of life and limits opportunities for social mobility, thereby stalling long-term economic growth.

         In addition to deterring investment and causing inequitable wealth distribution, corruption also undermines public trust in government institutions. When citizens perceive that leaders are corrupt, their confidence in the rule of law diminishes, leading to social unrest and instability. This erosion of trust can result in lower tax revenues, as individuals and businesses become reluctant to comply with tax regulations, believing that their contributions will be misused. Ultimately, corruption not only stifles economic growth but also erodes the social fabric, making sustainable development unattainable.

Vocabulary Test

  1. Manifest
  2. Embezzlement
  3. Nepotism
  4. Distort
  5. Hamper
  6. Equitable
  7. Infrastructure
  8. Perceive
  9. Diminish
  10. Sustainable

Key Answer

  1. Manifest - to show or demonstrate plainly
  2. Embezzlement - theft or misappropriation of funds
  3. Nepotism - favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments
  4. Distort - to twist out of shape
  5. Hamper - to hinder or impede
  6. Equitable - fair and impartial
  7. Infrastructure - the basic physical systems of a country's economy
  8. Perceive - to become aware or conscious of something
  9. Diminish - to make or become less
  10. Sustainable - able to be maintained at a certain rate or level

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