Could Improving the students’ vocabulary using network vocabulary technique

A.  Background
Language is important means for human communication. It is used to make an interaction with other people in society and also it is used to express emotion, feeling, and opinion within the language. Vocabulary has an important role in all aspects of language skills. Someone cannot express his idea without has enough vocabulary.
Vocabulary is one of the elements in four language skill, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Without understanding vocabulary, the students will be finding some difficulties. Therefore, the students must have knowledge vocabulary because it can positively facilitate the students to use English effectively in their communication, in other words, it leads the students to use English well.
The students cannot express their communicative needs (ideas, emotion) to someone clearly because have lacking vocabulary. The students cannot communicate and grasp someone ideas that are transmitted to their, therefore vocabulary is regarded as the most essential aspect in English. It does not only influence oral form, peaking and listening but also written and reading. Obviously, vocabulary affects the four language skills as a keg to succeed in mastering in those skills. 
From the statement previously, it is fact that vocabulary is very important for those, who wants to master English well. There are many factor that the students will master English vocabulary such as the interest, motivation, or using some method in the classroom. To teach in the classroom the teacher should a good technique are preparation in teaching because the technique can help the students to understanding more the lesson
 One of the techniques which can be used in teaching English vocabulary is network vocabulary. Teaching vocabulary by using vocabulary network is good to improve vocabulary achievement of the students, because the students can find new words. Besides that vocabulary network is ????????????????????????


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