The Use of Guessing Game to Improve
the Fourth Grade Students’ Vocabulary Ability of SDN
this chapter the researcher present background of the study, formulation of the
researchproblem, objective of the study,
significance of the
study, and definition of the key
terms, organization of study.
A. Background of the
is one of the important tools to communicate with others. People can communicate
each other and
express their ideas
and emotions. Language is verbal behavior that usually people use to
communicate with other people around them. In addition, it is one of the tools
to do some interactions and give response to
someone (Harmer, 2007:21).
In other words, language as
social institution, as verbal
practice, as reflexive
practice, as medium
of classroom, communication, and also
as school subject.
Languages which are
often used as
a means of communication are English. It becomes the
dominant language around the world, and now more and more people use English as
an interactional language.
In the
Indonesian language, it is not regarded as
a second language
but English is a foreign language. English is also referred to as the
target language, it should be taught
in schools to
teach the Indonesian
curriculum now. Therefore, students are expected to improve
their abilities in English.
The importance
of the English, is making educational institutions begin to introduce the English
language from the earliest level
that is
in elementary school,?????