Nowadays, science and technology development demands
people to increase their knowledge and experience. One way to increase their
knowledge and experience is by reading. Reading is one-step to study
effectively. Through this step, it can develop our memory, comprehension, and
more knowledge for example when the people study textbook, article, short
story, and even a novel. Reading can increase our science and give us knowledge
information. Reading is an activity with a purpose. Someone may read for many
reasons, for instance to gain information and exiting knowledge, or in order to
critique a writer’s ideas or writing style.
Reading is one of the basic communicative skill, but it has very complex process. It can be
said that, reading is a process in which reader finds information given by the
writer in the written form. In this case,
reading can be said as an interactive
process, checks, and ask questions about what the text is about. Leonard (1961)
states that reading involves nothing more than correlating sound image, that is
”spelling” while Robert Karim (1980) defines that reading is as a thinking
process instructing the ideas of the authors.
to understand the meaning of word, sentences, and paragraph sense
among ideas as it is. If a student just reads loudly but can’t understand
content of the text, it means that he fails in comprehending passage.
(Simanjuntak 1998:4)
The theory of comprehension assumes that effective
understanding is a function of the relationship between present information and
active knowledge , and that effective communication therefore depends on the
degree to which listener and speakers share a
common semantic “field”.(Buhler,1908). When preparing students for a
reading activity, we can help them become aware of relevant prior knowledge,
while we judge whether or not that knowledge is sufficient for comprehension of
the text. And that point we will be able to make knowledgeable decisions about
reading assignments and instruction and related concepts, (Langer, 1981:153)
Most of students in south Sulawesi find difficulties
in comprehending a short story for example to identify the character of the
actors and the plot of the short story, so that, learning English needs a good
strategy for their students, we must try to think whether our strategy, the
teachers should understand what the best strategy is suitable or not because it
can give a impact to students. All the point of the object must be understood.
This orientation is consistent with Buhler’s (1908) “field theory” of
comprehension, which assumes that effective understanding is a function of the
relationship between present information and active knowledge, and that
effective communication therefore depends on the degree to which listeners and
speakers share a common semantic “field”.
In teaching learning process we see that most of the
teachers just use conventional teaching in the class, so I think if the
teachers use a technique to the students in the teaching reading materials it
can increase their reading comprehension because with technique the students
can be easy to comprehend than without technique. The technique of teaching
reading are very important to influence the students in success reading. A
technique can help students in reading so in teaching English a teacher must
use technique or methods where can help students to comprehends easy what the
teacher teach to them.
A strategy that is Listen-Read-Discuss method is one of
strategy can be used by the teacher in teaching. A technique can help students
because learning strategy for students more effective than without a technique.
Because teching by a technique the students more effective in learning. it is
suitrable with that Manzo said that the listen-read-discuss method is one
teaching strategy for the teacher and learning strategy for the students more
active in comprehending material. (Manzo, 1985)
Based on the explanation above, the research uses
L-R-D strategy to overcome the problems. The researcher is interested in
applying this strategy so the research will conduct the research entitled
“improving the students’ reading comprehension through Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD)
strategy at the SMA Makassar Mulya
Makassar Makassar.
B. Problem Statement
Based on the
explanation about, the writer would like to formulate the main problems in
research as follows:
1. How does the use of Listen-Read-Discuss (L-R-D) strategy improve students’ achievement
for reading comprehension?
2. Are the students’ interested in learning reading
comprehension through Listen-Read-Discuss (L-R-D) strategy?
of the Study
relation to the problem statements above,then the porpuse of this research are :
Whether or not the
use of Listen-Read-Discuss (L-R-D) strategy can improve the students’
achievement for reading
Whether or not the
use of Listen-Read-Discuss (L-R-D) strategy is interesting to the students in learning reading
Significance of the Study
1) The Theoretical Benefit
The result of the
research can be useful for students as strategy in reading in classroom
The result of the research
can be useful for English teacher in implementing LRD strategy in teaching
learning process.
The result of the
research is used as reference for those who want to conduct a research of
students’ comprehension.
2) Practical
The result of the research
will help the teacher in increasing their comprehension
The result of the
research will help the students in increasing their comprehension
The result of the
research will give information to teacher about strategy in teaching reading in
improving the students’ comprehension.
of the Study
To make the
problem easy to be discussed deeply the writer focuses the problems as follows:
1) The
subject of the researcher in this research in the second year students of SMA
Makassar Mulya Makassar.
2) The
implementation of LRD
strategy in improving students’ comprehension in reading short story.