The Curriculum 2013

The Curriculum 2013
Realizing the importance of English  nowadays, our government states that English as a foreign language should become a compulsory subject at school. It is taught from Elementary School to University and it becomes one of the subjects in National Test (UN). Students need to understand spoken and written English to communicate their ideas effectively. In Indonesian education curriculum or content based on curriculum, students have to master the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this case, teaching English must be conducted in every education field in Indonesia from elementary to university.
Nowadays, Indonesian education is using Curriculum 2013 and School-based Curriculum (KTSP). The government of Indonesian Education has announced new regulation from Ministry of Education No. 32 Year 2013 showing the changing from the previous regulation (Ministry of Education No. 19 Year 2005) about the National Education Standards. The 2013 Curriculum quickly was implemented to all school in Indonesia after the new regulation has announced. The changing influences the process of teaching-learning all subjects in classroom. But in December 2014 Indonesian Government had changed the curriculum back to School Based Curriculum (KTSP) by published Regulation of the Minister No. 159 Year 2014 concerning the evaluation of the 2013 Curriculum. However, some schools in Indonesia still use the 2013 Curriculum because they have permit and are requested by the Region Government of Education.
All schools in Indonesia which use the 2013 Curriculum including Junior High School must use Scientific Approach for teaching and learning process in the classroom. Scientific approach is pedagogical approach used in classroom whereby teaching is approached with the same rigor as science at its best and it involves active learning strategies to engage students in the process of science and teaching methods that have been systematically tested and shown to reach diverse students. In scientific approach the teachers must develop and increase the student ability that is relevant with students’ need, condition of the school, and link it to the environment.
The 2013 Curriculum has changed the classroom procedures. Scientific approach consists of five main steps in the learning cycle, namely: (1)  observing, (2)  questioning, (3)  gathering of information or experimenting, (4)  associating or information processing, and (5)  communicating. The aim of the classroom procedure is to develop the students’ attitudes, to express their idea briefly but succinctly, and develop their language skills.


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