Theory of Language Learning in the Classroom

 Theory of Language Learning in the Classroom

As have we discuss before classroom interaction is the collaborative exchange of thought, feeling, or ideas between two or more people resulting in a reciprocal effect on each other during the teaching-learning process. Theories of communicative competence emphasize the important of interaction as human being use language in various context to negotiate meaning, or simply state, to get one idea out of your head and into the head of another person and vice versa.

From the very beginning of language study, classroom should be interactive, Rivers (1987) in Brown (1994:159) stated that thought interaction, student can increase their language store as they listen to or read authentic linguistic material, or even the output of their fellow students in discussion, skits, join problem-solving task, or dialogue journal. In interaction, student can use all they process of the language – all they have learned or casually absorbed – in real-life exchange.

Based on that statement we know that in the process of learning in the classroom, both the teacher and the learners use the language to interact with one another. The language used is mostly spoken. In this case speech has the priority in language teaching. One of the principles of the language teaching is that spoken language is primary, and this should be reflected in an oral-based methodology. This principle is supported by Byrne (1999), the classroom is of course a convenient place for imparting information and for developing many educational skills, but our main concern as language teacher is not to inform our students about the language but to develop their ability to use the language for variety of communicative purposes. Based on that statement, we can conclude that in a learning language, the students must learn the spoken form first before learn writing form, for this spoken is very needed in the classroom, because it used to interact between one to another, with a furious function.




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