Materials Needed :

  1. A2 paper
  2. String (thick)
  3. Pipe cleaners / sticks
  4. Scissors
  5. Colored pencils (optional)
  6. Tape (optional)

Steps :

  1. Get a piece of paper (any color), and cut a diamond shape from it. Sometimes it is better if you tape four pieces together. But you have to tape them together the right way. Tape two together, then tape together the other two. Tape them on each other.
  2. To cut a diamond shape on the paper (if you are not taping four sheets together), cut the 4 corners off. It should be in the shape of a square. the paper horizontally.
  3. Repeat step 2 but this time lay it across the paper vertically.
  4. Tie the two sticks or pipe cleaners together. Make it as tight as possible.
  5. Pierce 2 holes in the diamond-shaped paper. On the inside corner where the two sticks cross, thread a thick string.
  6. Using the other end of the thick string, do the same. Then tie the string when both of the ends of the string are threaded through.
  7. Tie a long and strong string onto the sticks or pipe cleaners to form the tail. You can add small strips of paper to the end of this tail string for added buoyancy and weighting. It also looks more complete.
  8. Color the kite if you want.
  9. Find a breeze or some light wind, have someone to help you hold your kite as you wait for wind to come.
  10. Have fun flying your kite.


1.      The text above shows us how to ….

A. How to Make a Stall

B. How To Make Kite

C. How To Make Cover Book

D. How To Make Cane

2.      What should be done first before Make a Kite ?

A Find a breeze or some light wind, have someone to help you hold your kite as you wait for wind to come.

B. Get a piece of paper (any color), and cut a diamond shape from it. Sometimes it is better if you tape four pieces together. But you have to tape them together the right way. Tape two together, then tape together the other two. Tape them on each other.

C. Tie a long and strong string onto the sticks or pipe cleaners to form the tail. You can add small strips of paper to the end of this tail string for added buoyancy and weighting. It also looks more complete.

D. Using the other end of the thick string, do the same. Then tie the string when both of the ends of the string are threaded through.

3.      What does the writer strongly recommend in order to Repeat step 2.

A. Also looks more complete

B. Tie the string when both of the ends of the string are threaded through

C. Cut a diamond shape from it

D. This time lay it across the paper vertically.

4.      Make it as tight as possible

IT refers to……?


            A. Kite

B. Pipe cleaners

C. Two sticks

D. Two sticks and Pipe cleaners

5.      What do you want to add to make your kite looks more complete expect

A. Small strips of paper

B. Tail

C. Weighting

D. Buoyancy


HUB 085398507498

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