1.      Sequences Picture

Sequencing is the process of putting events, ideas, and objects  in a logical order. Why is sequencing important? We sequence all day  long we divide our time into what we need to do first, second, and  last; we understand events in our lives by understanding the order in  which they occur. For some children, sequencing can be a hard concept to grasp, especially when they are trying to tell a story. Using good key words like “first,” “next,” “then,” and “finally,” cue your child as to what is coming next. The following activities are fun ways to practice sequencing with your child[1]

2.      Procedure of Sequences Picture

Start by placing a simple three-step picture sequence into the pocket chart, with the pictures in random order. An action sequence may be the easiest for children to understand, and would include a series such as the painting a picture sequence or the baking a cake sequence. Ask for student volunteers to arrange the pictures in order according to the events or pictures shown. Then discuss the steps involved in completing the activity[2].

Picture Sequencing- Cut several sequential pictures from magazines, picture books, comic books, or the comics section of the newspaper. Make sure the pictures have an obvious order. Scramble the pictures. Younger children should begin with two panels representing  beginning/end or first/last, and then progress to three panels, then four, etc. The older the student, the more panels he/she should be able to arrange in correct order. Always start at the student’s level of instruction. (For example, a sequence might include a picture of a dirty dog needing a bath, a tub filled with water, the dog being washed, and the clean dog.) When the child thinks he/she has the correct order, have him/her tell a story in order using the pictures. If the pictures are not in a correct order (the picture of a clean dog is placed before the picture of someone washing the dog), have the child tell why that does not make sense and have him/her attempt to rearrange the sequence. Use pictures of events in nature like a volcanic eruption, tadpole metamorphosis, seeds to flowers, or the changing of the seasons to enhance the child’s learning[3].

[1] Becky L. Spivey 2008 The Importance of Teaching Sequencing to Young Children. Super Duper® Handy Handouts. Page 1

[2] Vernon 2006 Pocket Chart Reading – Sequencing. Learning Resources, Inc Page 1

[3] Becky L. Spivey 2008 The Importance of Teaching Sequencing to Young Children. Super Duper® Handy Handouts. Page 1


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