Concept of the Board Game

Concept of the Board Game

1.      Definition of the Board Game

Based on Brown (2008: 8) the term board game can define any game that can be played on a flat surface and is generally understood to imply the presence of a physical board, a board game differs from a game in that the board should play a crucial role.

According to Armstrong (2000: 7) suggests board games as a teaching strategy that might suit students with interpersonal intelligence because they provide an excellent setting for interaction between students.In other words Linderoth (2011: 4) In cooperative board games the main idea is that players shall collaborate in order to beat the game system. Typically these games have rules for how the “board” progress towards the conditions for losing the game. The players need to prevent the “board” from reaching these  conditions  while  taking  actions  towards  the  winning  conditions.  In  some cooperative  board  games  players  are  given  different  abilities  that  they  need  to  utilize effectively  in  order  to  win  the  game.  Often  strategies  that  make  use  of  the  players’ variable  abilities  are  effective.

The addition fromTreher (2011: 3) Board games are an important tool to provide hands-on and heads-on skill and knowledge development for people of all ages on all subjects. Not only do well-designed games create an engaging atmosphere, they also provide a non-threatening, playful, yet competitive environment in which to focus on content and reinforce and apply learning. Mistakes are useful and point out what we need to learn. The board itself provides a visual metaphor to help connect information. Game elements, discussions, and problem solving with fellow team members about the content are vehicles for learning. Subtle redundancy to reinforce learning and insure retention should be incorporated into the game design. Good questions, problems to solve, and situations to consider allow players to think through and apply what they learn.


2.      Procedure of the Board Game

Based on Sigurðardóttir (2010: 18) this game and made it into a board game where each square has a certain letter on it and every time a player lands on a specific square the player sitting to his or her right has to draw a card with that same letter on it, and read it out loud, asking him or her the question written on the card.

Based onMilczynski (2011: 11) The board games are typically aligned by theme or mechanics. Themed games tend to introduce contextual information and serve as an anchor for future learning. These appear as though they would work beset as an introductory game for a unit as they introduce vocabulary, ideas and concepts. Mechanical games require players to apply their knowledge to determine the path they will follow. For example, Pandemic is a game based on mechanics that allows students to simulate a situation where they are members of the Centers for Disease Control on a mission to save the world from an outbreak of deadly diseases. Students must apply knowledge previously learned in class to successfully complete their mission

The students do the games by writing the right answers on their paper sheet. It will activate students’ writing skill. It will be the starting point for the students to activate their micro-skills of writing, like producing graphemes and orthographic patterns of English, producing writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose, producing an  acceptable  core  of  words  and  using  appropriate  word  order  patterns,  using grammatical  system  (e.g.,  tense,  agreement,  pluralization,  patterns,  and  rules), expressing  a  particular  meaning  in  different  grammatical  forms,  and  using  cohesive devices in written discourse. This  will be useful to activate their sensitivity towards grammar.


3.      The Design of Board Game

Sigurðardóttir (2010: 18) defines sample of the role to playing board game from Player A throws the dice and moves his piece. If he lands on a square with a letter on it then the player sitting on his right hand draws a card with the same letter on and asks him the question from that card. If the player is unable to answer the question correctly then he has to go back to the square he came from, but if he answers correctly he gets to stay on that square. Each player only gets to throw the dice once during each round. Other squares in the game have directions on them, such as “throw the dice again” or “wait here one round”, which need to be followed in the event someone lands on them. To finish the game players have to actually land on the finish square. Players are not allowed to pass the finish square so in the event they throw the dice and the number that comes up exceeds the number of squares until the finish then they will be forced to move backwards. The player who is the first one to manage to land on the finish square wins the game.


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