This  chapter  presents  the  background  of  study  that  describes  the  reason why the writer intends to conduct the study.  The researcher presents background of  the  study,  formulation  of  problem,  purpose  of  the  study,  significance  of  the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of key term.

A.    Background of the Study

Considering the fact that not all people like to read books, newspapers, or novels to learn English, there is another way to learn the language. In this era of sophisticated technology, we can use electronic facilities such as: computer, internet, radio, or television to support our learning the language. We cannot deny the fact that most people are more interested in watching movie or television than reading a book. It is probably because understanding movie is easier and practical rather than read a book.

In this study, I focus my attention on one kind of entertainment that is movie, which its script can be seen as a literary work. It expresses and communicates thought, feeling, and attitude toward life . Movie is one of the most important means of entertainment and education.

Arsyad (2003: 49) A movie is a motion picture, often  referred to as a movie. Movie is  a  sequence  of  pictures  in  frame  in  which  the  sequence  is  presented through  LCD.  As  a  result,  we  can  see  that  the  sequence  of  picture  is alive and move, movie or movie is a play that is presented and performed.  Nowadays, motion pictures or movies become the most popular entertainment in the world, due to the modernization and the development of technology. People prefer watching movie programs on television or movies on the theaters rather than reading literature.

Rokni & Ataee (2014: 2) Movie  scenes  can  offer  visual  portrayal  of  abstract  theories and  concepts  taught  in  management  and  social  sciences  courses.  Explaining  concepts  through different  movie  scenes  bring  theories  closer  to  realistic  situations.  Movies  can  also  provoke  good discussion,  assessment  of  one's  values  and  self  if  the  scenes  have  strong  emotional  content. Cinema's ability to create a unique experience gives it unbeatable power as a teaching tool.

Every person used the language as the way to communication. Language influences  human  life  as  the  bridge  to  have  relationship  with  other  people  or society.  Sometimes,  people  do  not  aware  that  they  use  the  language  by  making unstructured utterance in communication. But it is not a problem because the most important  is  that  their  speech  could  be  accepted  and  there  is  not  any misunderstanding  between  speaker  and  hearer  when  they  have  conversation  or communication

Speech  act  is  the  utterance  which  speaker  says  or  speaker  performs  in every speech. Speech act performs when people make utterances such as apology, greeting, request, complaint, invitation, compliment, or refusal. The study of speech act is very importance for us. The one importance of studying speech act is to make us comprehend what message that discovered in every utterance. Speech act also decided by the language ability of speaker to convey the message in communication.  Hence, we can understand about the meaning of speech act clearly.

According to Vries (2006: 1) Direct  speech  can  be  rendered  literally  by  means of a so-called  Quotative Construction in addition Archakis and Lampropoulou (2006: 6) direct speech is better seen as a construction on the part of the reporter which serves his/ hers current conversational goals. Students should be aware of this notion of construction in order to adopt a critical view towards direct speech and therefore explore the various purposes of this construction

  In  addition,  when  we  speak  with  other  people  in  communication  or conversation, the speaker does not only speak the source language but the speaker must interpret the speaker’s meaning to the hearer. And the speaker can make hearer to understand the meaning of that utterance by speaker said. Speech act just perform in conversation or dialogue which performed by speaker and hearer in the movie

Based on the analysis of direct speech and after watching the movie, which reveals the condition the writer tries to analyze Direct Speech Act in Sleeping Beauty Movie.


B.     Problem of Study

In analyzing direct speech acts of Sleeping Beauty movie, the writer focuses on explaining of direct speech acts in the movie. So, the problem in this analysis is “How are the direct speech acts used in Beauty movie?


C.    Objective of  the  study 

Based on the problem above the writer formulates the objective of the study as describe the direct speech act used in Beauty movie

D.    Significance of the Study

The result of the study is expected to be able to give the following benefits:

1.      The study is expected to serve as a reference for the students, especially English Department students. After  learning and reading this final project, they will know about direct speech act.

2.      The result of the study would be useful to serve as an alternative media, for example, by using a movie or movie as a material in teaching reading or speaking.

E.     Scope and Limitation of The Study

Based on the explanation above the writer make a formulated and scope of the study as to find out the use of indirect speech act in Sleeping Beauty Movie


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