The Use of Integrated Skill to Improve the Students’ speaking and listening skill”



A.   Background

In learning English, there are four skills we must study. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four skills mentioned are diveded into receptive and productive skills. Speaking and writing are productive skills, while listening and reading are receptive skills. Beside the four language skills above, reading is of great importance to student show mother tongue is not English, because they almost do not have oppurtunity to hear or to speak that language. Comprehending English is a difficult thing for students if they are do not have basic knowledge, especially in comprehending reading text.

Listening is one of the languages in the world that has an important role for communication. It has been used as an International Language. So it is important for us to learn it and Speaking is like the first assessment for each learner who is studying English and each learner has to speak. This statement means an obligation, duty, task, fact, implementation, process, and it can be learning, although we still find some students are speaking little or even passive in the classroom, and it can be caused of many things include the students, the class situation, environment, teaching method, technique, approach or even from the teachers who cannot deliver their material successfully.
Listening and speaking as a important skill can combine in teaching process through Integrated skill. The integration of skills can be defined as the combination of two or more skills within a communicative task there are listening as a receptive skill and speaking as productive skill Read C (1985: 72-74).
            From the problems above the researcher will apply one of teaching strategy. This is an interesting strategy and it can increase the student’s listening ans speaking ability namely Integrated skill.
Relating to the case above , the writer conducting an action research entitle: ”The Use of Integrated Skill to Improve the Students’ speaking and listening skill”
 B.        Problem Statements
            Related to the background above, the writer formulates  research questions as follows:
1.    How is the improvement of the students’ listening skill through Integrated skill?
2.    How is the improvement of the students’ speaking skill through Integrated skill?  

C.       Objective of the Study
   Based on the problem formulations above, the objectives of this research are:
1.    To find out  how the improvement of the students listening skill through Integrated skill.
2.    To find out how the improvement of the students speaking skill through Integrated skill.
D.   Significance of the Study
This research gives positive result, it is expected that the result is able to give some benefits for students, teachers, and other researchers.
1.      For the students, it is expected that this technique will help them improve their listening and speaking skill
2.       For the teachers, it is expected that the result of this research will give them a reference in their teaching so they can apply integrated skill.
3.      For other researcher, it is expected that the result of this research will help them in finding references or resources for further research.

E.   Scope of the Study
            The research is limited to the use of  integrated skill to improve the students’ listening and speaking skill


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