Improving the Students’ Motivation in Speaking Through Peer Interview (A Classroom Action Research)

Rahmawati, 2011. Improving the Students’ Motivation in Speaking Through Peer Interview (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Year of SMK Negeri 3 Takalar in the First Semester 2011/2012 Academic Year). English Education Department, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University. Supervised by Kaimuddin and Rosmala Dewi.

The objective of this research aimed to find out the improvement of students’ motivation through Peer Interview Technique. The researcher used Classroom Action Research, sample consisted of 30 students, divided in the 5 Groups and each group consisted of 6 students. As subject in this research was  Class XI.3 (Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan).
The findings of the research indicated that, Frequency and percentage of  D-Test of Observation Checklist for asking was 43.33% as not active category, in answer was 43.33% as not active, mean score was 1.95  which represented such as response category as Not Active, In the Cycle I  for asking was 33.33% as not active category, in answer was 38.33% as not active category, mean score was 2.03 as Fairly Active category, and than in the Cycle II for asking was 38.33% as active category, for answer was 38.33% as active category, mean score was 3.04 as active category.
 The students’ Frequency and percentage of Diagnostic Test in Questionnaire for positive satatement/favorable was 32.67% Disagree, in unfavorable was 28.00% Agree, mean score was 52.57 as neutral motivation. In the Cycle I for favorable was 30.33% Disagree, in unfavorable was 29.33% Agree, mean score is 59.97 which represented such as response category as Neutral  motivation. After taking the Cyle II for favorable became 26.67% students  agree, in unfavorable became 29.67% students disagree, mean score was  65 as High Motivation.

Based on the result of data analysis above, the researcher concluded that students’ at XI.3 of  SMK Negeri 3 Takalar had High Motivation, Active in asking and in Answer. It means that Peer Interview can improve the students’ motivation in speaking Effectively.


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